How Majority Institutions Recruit and Retain Minority Students CEEHD Leadership Institute June 13, 2013,
The Issue Capacity
Minoritized Signifies the social construction of underrepresentation and subordination. Persons are not born into minority status nor are they minoritized in every social milieu(e.g., in their families and places of religious worship). Instead, they are rendered minorities in particular situations and institutional environments that maintain an overrepresentation of one racial group and its dominant cultural norms. Dr. Shaun Harper
Mirror, Mirror on the wall…
Sighs Too Deep For Words Reliance on standardized tests Deficit thinking Fear based decision making Paucity of diversity in leadership Belief that treating everyone the same is treating everyone fairly!
Admissions Limited spaces Faculty shortage Clinical site shortage Not a lack of “qualified” applicants Need to admit the best qualified Student retention…who will persist and be successful on NCLEX Students who benefit the profession
Distributive Justice To each equally To each according to need To each according to merit To each according to the person’s rights To each according to individual effort To each as you would be done by To each according to the greatest good to the greatest number.
“Bottom Line: Art and Science
Social……………………..Demographics Technology……………....Tools Economic…………………Markets Environment……………...Resources Politics…………………….Issues STEEP ANALYSIS…
“ If you touch a spider’s web anywhere, you set the whole thing trembling. As we move through and around this world, and as we act with kindness, or indifference, or even hostility toward the people we meet, we too, are setting the great spider web a- tremble. The life I touch will touch another life, and that, in turn another, until who knows where the trembling stops or in what far place and time my touch will be felt. You can’t find a better way to quantify or qualify someone’s legacy. Just think of the web you have set a-tremble”. Frederick Buechner
Recruitment Student exposure to successful academicians and practitioners from similar backgrounds Providing demographic data of faculty and students Student testimony on websites Challenging the use of GRE Involvement of family in orientation MONEY
Recruitment Graduation rates Graduation on time information Picture of what their graduates are doing Percentage of transfer credits accepted Ease to double major & popular combinations of majors Financial strength of institution provided
Admissions Composition…relatively homogeneous, narrowly focused app, lack of appropriate pre-advisement for URM What drives admissions ( one group reads essays only, other looks at grades only) Failure to look at humanism in the process (count the # of “I”s in an essay)
Diversity in the Classroom A bad start Insufficient financial support Language & writing issues Admissions barriers The burden of representation Unwelcoming environments Exclusion from informal networks
Diversity in the Classroom Paucity of role models Poor faculty/student connections Hazing mentality of faculty Curriculum and classroom interaction often exclude issues of diversity or treat the subject as knowledge about a sub- culture or deviant non-norm behavior.
Fitting In vs. Belonging
Dynamics of Diversity in Teaching Teacher Self Awareness Pedagogy Course Content Student Diversity Diversity and Learning Marchesani, L., & Adams, M. (1992). Dynamics of diversity in the teaching-learning process: A faculty development model for analysis and action. In M. Adams (Ed.), Promoting diversity in the college classroom: Innovative responses for the curriculum, faculty, and institutions (Vol. 52, ). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Retention Affinity Groups Rubrics Multiple forms of assessment Linguistic Modification
Retention Individual development plans Cross racial mentoring Focusing on science’s relevance to problems within specific communities