Jeff, and Alex Georgia Colony
Georgia Info The name of our colony is Georgia. Georgia was founded in 1733. James Edward Oglethorpe found Georgia. Georgia has gotten bigger they decided to make it bigger so more people could live there.
Colony’s First People The first people were the Creek and Cherokee. They grew corn, and squash. They hunted bears, deer, birds, and turkey. 1,000 people lived in the villages. They collected oysters and fish. They built there houses out of wood, grass, and mud. They had plaza’s where they celebrated spcial things that had happened.
Colony’s First settlers 1733 the first settlers came. James Oglethorpe was the first leader. They started a city they named it Savannah. They grew peas, corn, squash, and rice. They hunted deer, turkey, bear, and geese. The kids in the colony learned reading , writing, and math.
Life In The Colony Life was hard in Georgia because they had to clear the forests. A lot of people died of yellow fever. William Cox was Georgia’s first doctor. At first not much food a lot of people died of starvation.
Life in the colony Life was also hard because they went to war. The people built the city of Savanna. The staple was the indigo plant. They also did good with rice that was there second most important crop.
Work and trade They worked hard on the farm to get most of their food. They grew a lot of crops including corn, squash, rice, and indigo. Some of the jobs were carpenters, brick layers, and farmers.
Work and Trade They traded with the West Indies and Great Britain. The people that lived in Georgia traded guns and livestock. In return they received furs from different animals.
The colonies exports Some exports were Indigo, pork, and rice. They also exported pottery, clay, and lumber. They stopped exporting rum because Oglethorpe thought it caused sickness.
Religion Georgia allowed different religions. They brought there own religion and taught each other. Catholics weren't allowed in Georgia. Catholics weren’t allowed in Georgia because a war was going on at the time with the county that has the Catholic religion was the main religion.
Religion 1758 Georgia’s official faith was The Church of England. The people had to pay church Taxes. The money went to the community.
Info On Becoming a State 1733 is when Georgia became a colony. In 1788 Georgia gained statehood. Georgia was the last colony to get statehood.
Fun Facts The location was the southern colonies. They named the colony after King George the 2nd. Population in1775 was 32,000. Savannah was the first settlement. Georgia got bigger over time. Indigo was the cash crop. They changed the capital to Atlanta instead of Savavah.