Merrilland Mrs. Fair
Size & Population Merrilland has a population of 700 people. The people who live there are extremely smart, polite and love their continent. Merrilland is the smallest continent. The people who live there believe that they live in the best continent in the whole world.
Climate, weather, and land features Merrilland has a very warm, dry climate. There are luscious parks and lots of grassland. The average temperature in the summer is 80° F and in the winter 65° F.
Economy: Natural resources, products they produce, jobs/industry The main industry in Merrilland is homework. They produce some the best homework found anywhere in the world. The southern portion of Merrilland contains a large farming area. This area, best known as the cafeteria, produces fruits, vegetables, meats, dairies, and grains.
Education Merrillanders are extremely intelligent and 99% are college-bound.
Transportation Merrilland has an extensive bus system. Due to Merrilland's small size, many residents walk, bike or scooter.
History & Government Merrilland recently received its independence in September The government is Monarchy. There is a main King and several princesses and princes that rule the land.
Animals There are many animals native to the land. The most common are deer, chipmunks, squirrels, and several variety of birds.
People, lifestyles and society: Famous people, explorers, scientists, inventors, presidents, kings/queens Many famous people reside in Merrilland. Lightning was born and raised there along with the great Queen Merrill.
Customs: religion, language, diet/foods, and holidays Merrilland residents celebrate many different holidays and are members of many different religions. Their food and diet are closely aligned to American diets.
Interesting Facts Did you know? At one point in history almost all the princes and princesses where rulers in another land. King Moyer searched the world far and wide to make sure that he had the best princes and princesses and convinced them to join him in his newly founded continent, Merrilland.