The Friend of God Lesson 3 LIFE OF ABRAHAM The Friend of God Lesson 3
LIFE OF ABRAHAM 60? Left Ur Left Haran 75 Death 175 137 Sarah Dies 86 Ishmael 100 Isaac If Abram was 60 or 70 when he left Ur, then Teran was 190 to 200 years old. Because Abram left Haran when he was 75, and Teran died when he was 205
Four Stages In Abram’s Life Genesis 12-14 His Call And Removal To Canaan Genesis 15-16 Promise Of An Lineal or Direct Heir Conclusion of the Covenant Genesis 17-21 Established The Covenant (Circumcision) Change of Name to Abraham Genesis 22-25 Testing of Abraham to Offer Isaac Death
Why Study Abraham? He Is Held In High Respect and Admiration All 3 Major “Religions” Call Him the “Father of their Faith” Islam, Judaism, Christianity “He conceived the idea of a single, Almighty God” National Geographic, Dec 1966, p. 740 He Is The Prime Model Of Faith Through Abraham God Reveals His Purposes and Goals For Mankind Through His Promises, God Reveals That He Has A Plan!
A New Beginning Adam Noah Abram Moses Jesus It is time for a new beginning. God promised that He would not destroy the earth with water (Gen 8:21) But we read how wicked people got in Gen 19 and the condition of Sodom
Genealogies in Genesis ADAM (930) Seth (912) Enosh (905) Cainan (910) Mahalalel (895) Jared (962) Enoch (Walked w/ God) Methusleah (969) Lamech (767) Noah (950) SETH (600) Arphaxed (438) Salah (433) Eber (464) Peleg (239) Reu (239) Serug (230) Nahor (148) Terah (205) Abram (175) Compare these genealogies to Luke 3:33-34
Josh 24:2 – Served other gods The Line of Abraham Josh 24:2 – Served other gods
What Happens To Abraham? God Calls Abram Out of Ur (not only in Haran) “Get Out of the Land of your Birth” Gen 11:27-28; Gen 12:1; Gen 15:7; Neh 9:7; Acts 7:2 The Family Moves To Haran (Mistake #1) Terah may not have wished to be apart from Abram Nahor may have left with the family (Gen 24) God Calls Abram out of Haran To Canaan God Makes Promises To Abram What do you think about Abram moving to Haran? Was this partial obedience? If Teran was 190 to 200 years old when he left Ur, this had to be a very hard trip for him They may have stopped in Haran so that his father could recover from the trip, but he didn’t get better, and Abram didn’t want to leave his father in that condition.
Promise To ABRAM “Go forth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father’s house, to the land which I will show you; and I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; and so you shall be a blessing; and I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” How hard would it have been for Abram to leave Ur or even Heron? Ur was wealthy, and splendid Chief seaport on the Persian Gulf Very learned and civilized people. Did he know where he was going? (Heb 11:8-10) How difficult would it have been to convince his family to leave? This is how it all started that husbands don’t ask for directions.
Commands & Promises Go forth From your country From relatives From father’s house To the land which I will show you Land Nation “I will make you a great nation” [Blessing] Seed “In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed”
Theme: BLESSING Gen 1:28 – Then God Blessed them… Gen 9:1 – So God Blessed Noah… Gen 12:1-3 – I will Bless you Gen 13:14-16–Descendants can’t be numbered Gen 15:5 – So shall your descendants be Gen 15:18–To your descendants I have given… Gen 17:6-8- I will make you fruitful Gen 18:18 – All the nations shall be blessed… Gen 22:17-18 – all the nations shall be blessed Abram was not only to be BLESSED, but he was to BE a Blessing to others.
What Happens To Abraham? God Calls Abram Out of Ur (not only in Haran) “Get Out of the Land of your Birth” Gen 11:27-28; Gen 12:1; Gen 15:7; Neh 9:7; Acts 7:2 The Family Moves To Haran (Mistake #1) Terah may not have wished to be apart from Abram Nahor may have left with the family (Gen 24) God Calls Abram out of Haran To Canaan God Makes Promises To Abram Abram Leaves Haran and Takes Lot (Mistake #2) What do you think about Abram moving to Haran? Was this partial obedience? If Teran was 190 to 200 years old when he left Ur, this had to be a very hard trip for him They may have stopped in Haran so that his father could recover from the trip, but he didn’t get better, and Abram didn’t want to leave his father in that condition.
The Covenant (Gen 12:1-3, 7) “I will make you a great nation” (12:2) “I will make your name great” (12:2) “I will Bless those who bless you” (12:3) “I will curse those who curse you” (12:3) “I will (thru you) Bless all the families of the earth” (3) “I will give this land to your descendants” (12:7) Your Descendants shall be as the stars (15:5) “To your Descendants I’ll give this land (15:18) Gen 17:1-11 – Repeats the Promises (Circumcision) 2 Samuel 7:12-13 – Promises made to David Jer 30-31 Covenant – contract or agreement between parties were binding. “Cutting a covenant” – or the making a covenant The most binding was a covenant of blood. An animal was killed and divided. The two parties would “pass through” or between the pieces In Gen 15: 9-20 – (vs 17) only the Lord passed through those pieces! If one party fails to honor the agreement the other is freed. But only God passed through the pieces – Abraham was asleep Gen 13:14-16 Gen 18:18 Gen 22:17-18 God’s promises are such – that no man can alter them Psalms 111 and 136 – Confidence in God’s promises.
Blessings / Conditions NATION: I will make you a great nation LAND: I will make your name great. I will give this land SEED: In you all the nations of the earth shall be blessed CONDITIONS Get out of your Country From Your Family (Kindred) From Your Father’s House (Home) Gen 26:5 – Because Abraham obeyed My Voice… Gen 28:15 – I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you.
Promises Fulfilled Josh 23:14 –God has kept His Promises Dt 19:7-9 – Six Cities of Refuge Josh 20:7-8 Josh 21:43–God gave ALL the land He promised Neh 9:7-8 – you “ have performed your words” This is very important due to the Pre-Mill theory. This teaches that the land will be restored to the Jews That God has not fulfilled His promises YET. What does “forever” mean in the scriptures?
The Compromise (4-6) Gen 12:4 – “So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him, and Lot went with him…” Get Out Of The Country of Your Birth And From Your Family. Trouble With Lot Gen 13 – Please let there be no strife Lot Pitches His Tent Toward Sodom Abram has to Rescue Lot. Lot Lives In Sodom and It is Destroyed.
What Happens To Abraham? God Calls Abram Out of Ur (not only in Haran) “Get Out of the Land of your Birth” Gen 11:27-28; Gen 12:1; Gen 15:7; Neh 9:7; Acts 7:2 The Family Moves To Haran (Mistake #1) Terah may not have wished to be apart from Abram Nahor may have left with the family (Gen 24) God Calls Abram out of Haran To Canaan God Makes Promises To Abram Abram Leaves Haran and Takes Lot (Mistake #2) Abram Builds an Altar in Shechem Abram Moves To Bethel and Ai – Built Altar Abram Journeyed Further South (9) What do you think about Abram moving to Haran? Was this partial obedience? If Teran was 190 to 200 years old when he left Ur, this had to be a very hard trip for him They may have stopped in Haran so that his father could recover from the trip, but he didn’t get better, and Abram didn’t want to leave his father in that condition.
The Confession (7-9) Abraham Pitched His Tent and Built Altars TENT = A Pilgrim, Trusts and Depends on God ALTAR = A Worshiper, Brings Sacrifices to God Wherever Abraham pitched his tent – there God must have an Altar. To the end of his days he would not exchange the encampment for a city, but remained a stranger and a pilgrim.
Altars Gen 12:7 – At Shechem After Leaving Haran God Gives Abram the “Land Promise” Gen 12:8 – Between Bethel and Ai He “Called On The Name of The Lord” Gen 13:18 – At Hebron After He Separated From Lot Gen 22:9 – Offering Isaac Called it “The Lord Shall Provide” Abraham Built Alters: For Regular Prayer and Worship To Remind Him Of God’s Promises To Bless Him Abram’s altar at Shechem is the first altar we read about since Noah. Abram built this altar to show confidence in what God had promised Our live should be attested by outward signs of faith
What Happens To Abraham? God Calls Abram Out of Ur (not only in Haran) “Get Out of the Land of your Birth” Gen 11:27-28; Gen 12:1; Gen 15:7; Neh 9:7; Acts 7:2 The Family Moves To Haran (Mistake #1) Terah may not have wished to be apart from Abram Nahor may have left with the family (Gen 24) God Calls Abram out of Haran To Canaan God Makes Promises To Abram Abram Leaves Haran and Takes Lot (Mistake #2) Abram Builds an Altar in Shechem Abram Moves To Bethel and Ai – Built Altar Abram Journeyed Further South (9) What do you think about Abram moving to Haran? Was this partial obedience? If Teran was 190 to 200 years old when he left Ur, this had to be a very hard trip for him They may have stopped in Haran so that his father could recover from the trip, but he didn’t get better, and Abram didn’t want to leave his father in that condition.
What Does God Require of Us? Faith: Heb 11:1 – Faith is Substance / Evidence Heb 11:6 – Impossible To Please Him Trust: Matt 6:25-34 – Seek ye first… He who loves father or mother more than me… Take up your cross and follow me He Requires That We Give Him Our Lives! Abraham went out from his Country, Kindred, and Home – Not knowing where he was going. We do not know all that lies ahead of us But we do need the assurance of God that He is with us and has promised to bless us