Career Network Vermilion County (CNVC)
About Career Network Vermilion County (CNVC) Engage youth and individuals in their career development Prevent the local talent drain Decrease drop out rates Increase graduation rates Decrease unemployment rates Build a workforce strong and economically vibrant community Goal: To connect businesses and individuals in our community with our youth and future talent pipeline.
Community Employer Needs A robust talent pipeline with skilled applicants Highlight local job opportunities and their demand Increase company visibility among job-seekers, students and educators Ways to scale programs to reach more students/individuals with career exploration activities Inform the future workforce about careers in their industries
How is this accomplished? Students and Adult Career Planners Employers Community Mentors Integrated Employer Profiles Targeted Messaging Highly Visible Local Content Tracking and Reporting Career Coach Mentors Work-Based Learning Work-Flow
Success Stories from Vermilion County, IL Kaylee Ritzman, Class of 2015 Danville High School Thyssen-Krupp Presta Student Intern What have been some eye-openers throughout this whole experience? A huge eye opener for me has been how nice and friendly most of the workers are here; they are always willing to help us when we need it. Also, the amount of women in the manufacturing workforce surprised me. Most people see manufacturing as a male dominant industry and it really isn't. There are plenty of women who are line operators or managers. Some eye-openers throughout this experience have been how clean and safe ThyssenKrupp is, as well as how state of the art the facility is. Manufacturing is also very broad, which is something I didn’t think about. Logan Haun, Class of 2015 First Baptist High School Thyssen-Krupp Presta Student Intern Nicholas Rademacher Class of 2015 Schlarman Academy Project Lead the Way Student I was exposed to several aspects of the engineering field including CAD software, writing programs for robot machines, creating circuit boards for a specified task, and creating miniature “factories.” By getting my feet wet in multiple engineering disciplines and general components applicable to any engineering, I was able to decide if engineering was actually what I thought it was and what specifically interested me the most.
It takes a whole community… We’re looking for committee members: Steering Committee Community Engagement Committee Education Engagement Committee We need business’/individuals to participate!
Contact Us: (217) Career Network Vermilion County (CNVC)