Developed By Makes your Goals Attainable..
What does it contribute to your organization? Increase Efficiency Commitment to finish tasks on time Promote Transparency Drill-down Options, Easy Access to Task Correspondence Organizational Integration One Database for all Tasks, Collaboration Between Departments
What are the sources of tasks? Minutes Inbox Daily Tasks Audit Tasks Database
Types of Tasks: One to One Tasks Tasks from Minutes Group Tasks Sub Tasks Tasks Vocal Tasks Periodic Tasks
Easy facilitation of Meetings Meeting invitations Agenda for Participants Editing of Minutes Extraction of Tasks from Minutes Distribution of Minutes Submitting Tasks to contacts
How does it work? MinuteTasks Follow up and reporting
Two Interfaces
Connect to Microsoft Tools:
Minimum requirements: SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008 Browser Explorer 6.0 and Above Office XP, 2003, 2007, 2010
Taskinfo in Outlook
Minute Intro
Cut Tasks from Minute
Tasks List View
Task Record
List of all tasks events
Thank you ! Contact Us: Dr. Rafik Haj, CEO New Track Ltd Kfar Yasif- Israel Cell +972 (0)