Basics By Jane Maringer-Cantu
What is ? n is electronic mail. n n You can exchange electronic mail ( ) with people around the world. n n provides a fast, economical and convenient way to send messages to family, friends and colleagues.
What is an Address? n You can send a message to anyone around the world if you know the person’s address. n An address defines the location of an individual’s mailbox on the Internet.
Parts of an Address n An address consists of two parts separated by (“at”) symbol. n An address cannot contain spaces.
Parts of an Address name user name The user name is the name of the person’s account. This can be a real name or a nickname. domain name The domain name is the location of the person’s account on the Internet. Periods (.) separate the various parts of the domain name.
or n username (jmaringer) n The username identifies the account holder. (jmaringer) n symbol (“at”) separates the username from the server name. n server name (Gavilan or AOL) n The server name identifies the mail server at the user’s Internet Service Provider, company, or organization. (Gavilan or AOL) Parts of an Address
Addresses n The domain identifies the kind of organization that hosts the mail server. The most common are: n. com for companies or commercial for educational institutions for networking companies for military organizations for government departments and groups for non-profit organizations or other groups
Addresses n addresses outside the U.S. typically have a two-letter suffix designating the country. n. ca for Canada for Australia for United Kingdom
Addresses n Here are some addresses of some famous people: n President n Brad Pitt n Tom Brokaw n James Woods n Bill Gates
Smileys n You can use special characters called smileys or emoticons, to express emotions in messages. n These characters resemble human faces if you turn them sideways. Smile :-)Laugh :-D Cry :’-(Frown :-(
Netiquette Manners on the Internet n Electronic mail is not protected and not private. n Write with clarity and courtesy. n Be careful when replying to a message. n Keep messages concise or brief.
Netiquette Continued n Never send chain letters over the Internet. n Angry or heated messages are called “flames”. n Use the subject or RE: line to clearly state the topic of your message.
Netiquette Continued n Using all CAPS gives a word very strong emphasis. It can also have the effect of SHOUTING! n Always use upper and lower case letters when typing messages. n Spell-check your message before you send it.
A Web browser is a program that lets you view and explore information on the Web. Internet ExplorerInternet Explorer, like other Internet browsers, is a software program that enables you to navigate the Internet. You can also locate data, view Web sites, and access interlinked text, graphics, audio, and video files from around the world. Start Internet Explorer
The Home Page n n The home page is the page that appears each time you start a Web browser. n n Gavilan’s Home Page is our default page.
Let’s Go to our Gavilan Home Page
Let’s go to n n In your location field or textbox, type in and click Enter.
Yahoo n’s send and receive n Using’s free program, you can send and receive text files, graphic files, program files, application data files or virtually any type of file you wish. n Yahoo n Once you have the Yahoo home page, click on the Mail button or link.
Yahoo n You must sign in and sign out completely when using Yahoo’s mail.
Yahoo n n You log in with your Yahoo ID and password. n n If you want to give your address to your friends so they may write you, you need to use the whole Yahoo Mail address.
Yahoo Inbox
This area displays the folders that contain your messages.
Composing a Message n TO: n Always type in the complete address in the TO: section.
Composing a Message n SUBJECT n Don’t forget to type in the SUBJECT in the Subject text box.
Sending Attachments n n You can attach files such as documents, pictures, programs, sounds and videos to a message.
Sending Attachments n n The computer receiving the message must have the necessary hardware and software to display or play the file.
Yahoo Tips n n You can add your favorite addresses to your Yahoo address book (Contacts tab).
Yahoo Tips n n You can select a name from your address book when you write a letter.
Yahoo Tips n sign out completely n Don’t forget to sign out completely or the next person sitting at your station can read all your mail.
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