1 Wireless Networks and Services 10 Years Down the Road Ross Murch Professor, Electronic and Computer Engineering Director, Centre for Wireless Information Technology The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
2 Wireless Revolution Voice Yesterday Millions of Millions of wireless devices SMS Today Billions of Billions of wireless devices Mobile TV Video Internet WiFi
3 Wireless Everywhere Tomorrow Trillions of Wireless devices VariousInfo/Media New Mobile Devices Distributed Environmental & Bio Sensing Smart RFID People to People People to machines Machines to Machines Next generation phones Medical applications Security
4 Challenges
5 What is Next for Wireless Communications? In broadband access WiMAX and LTE promise extremely high peak rates However this is just for one user in one cell What happens when we have Trillions of users Wireless aggregated capacity will need to increase enormously How can this challenge be met?
6 What can we do? Increasing Capacity Increase Bandwidth Cognitive Radio More Channels MIMO Increase Power Cooperative systems
7 MIMO- Large M Capacity linear in the number of antennas Makes sense to make N as large as possible Instead of 2 antennas lets use many- 36 or even 100 C hi Yuk Chiu and, RD. Murch, 24-Port and 36-Port Antenna Cubes suitable for MIMO Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions Antennas and Propagation, Vol 56, No 4, pp , April 2008
8 Cognitive Radio- IEEE (WRAN) WRAN Repeater TV Transmitter WRAN Base Station Wireless MIC Wireless MIC WRAN Base Station : CPE : WRAN Base Station Typical ~33km Max. 100km Deployment Scenario
9 Cooperative Networks [GastparVetterli02] Cooperation between nodes multi-user encoding and decoding relays may exchange information with each other in order to coordinate transmission and reduce interference Cooperation
10 What is Next for Wireless Communications? Mobile Computing Embedded Wireless Devices Ubiquitous Computing and Access Multifunction devices and services Agents and Assistants Pervasive Communications
11 Not like this! Source: L Kleinrock, Realizing the Wireless Internet, Keynote, Lecture, IEEE WCNC, Hong Kong
12 Pervasive Communications Trillions of mobile wireless devices Devices ubiquitously embedded in the world actuators, sensors, memory, processing, speakers, microphones, cameras, displays Intelligent software agents deployed To mine data, act on that data, observe trends, and adapt to their environment Easy configuration and maintenance The Internet will become essentially a pervasive global system What the internet has done for computers, pervasive communications will do for wireless
13 Easy Configuration and Maintenance Intelligent software agents could be deployed across the network whose function it will be to Mine data Act on that data Observe trends Carry out tasks dynamically Adapt to their environment
14 Pushing the Wireless Revolution Revolution in short range wireless communications WLAN, WiFi, IEEE a/b/g/n Rates up to 54Mbps IEEE n using MIMO Approx 250Mbps Zigbee Bluetooth UltraWideBand GHz band IEEE a 480Mbps within 1-10m RFID Passive UHF- 900MHz
15 Convergence Divergence of Physical layers and Applications Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data Link Physical Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data Link Physical
16 More Breakthroughs Needed… Aggregate Wireless Capacity Evolution Fundamentally limited using conventional techniques Cost and Energy Cognitive Radio Cooperative Systems MIMO Efficient protocols Adaptation Pervasive Communications Revolution Automatic configuration- self configuring Dynamic processing, prediction and actions- agents Energy conservation Miniaturization
17 Wireless Everywhere Tomorrow Trillions of Wireless devices VariousInfo/Media New Mobile Devices Distributed Environmental & Bio Sensing Smart RFID People to People People to machines Machines to Machines Next generation phones Medical applications Security
18 Thank You!