Lecture 2: Logical Problems with Choices
Problem Solving Before writing a program Have a thorough understanding of the problem Carefully plan an approach for solving it While writing a program Know what “building blocks” are available Using good programming principles
Algorithms Computing problems All can be solved by executing a series of actions in a specific order Algorithms: An algorithm is a clearly specified set of simple instructions to be followed to solve a problem Actions to be executed The order in which these actions are to be executed Program control Specify order in which statements are to be executed
Control Structures Sequential execution Normally, statements are executed one after the other in the order written Transfer of control When the next statement executed is not the next one in sequence Overuse of goto statements led to many problems All C programs written in term of 3 control structures Sequence structures Programs executed sequentially by default Selection structures Three types: if, if … else, and switch Repetition structures Three types: while, do … while and for
Pseudocode Artificial, informal language that helps develop algorithms Similar to everyday English Not actually executed on computers Help “think out” a program before writing it Easy to convert into a corresponding C program Consists only executable statement Definitions are not executable statements
Flowchart Graphical representation of an algorithm Drawn using certain special-purpose symbols connected by arrows called flowlines Special-purpose symbols Rectangle (action) symbol: any type of action. Oval symbol: the beginning or end of a program Small circle (connector) symbol: the entry or exit of a portion of an algorithm. Diamond symbol: indicate that a decision is to be made. Single-entry/single-exit Flowcharting C’s sequence stucture
if Selection Statement Selection structure Used to choose among alternative courses of action Example - Pseudocode: if student’s grade is no less than 60 print “Passed” If condition true Print statement executed and program goes on to next statement. If condition false Print statement is ignored and the program goes onto the next statement condition
if Selection Statement Pseudocode statement in C if ( grade >= 60) printf( “Passed\n” ); C code corresponds closely to the pseudocode Flow chart for the if selection statement Diamond symbol (decision symbol) Indicates decision is to be made Contains an expression that can be true or false Test the condition, follow appropriate path condition
if … else Selection Statement if … else Specifies an action to be performed both when the condition is true and when it is false if: Only performs an action if the condition is true. Problem: Pseudocode: Read in 2 numbers and print in non-decreasing order. Read in two numbers, num1 and num2. If num1 is no larger than num2 Print “num1 num2” else Print “num2 num1”
if … else Selection Statement Flowchart begin Read in two numbers: num1 and num2 num1 <= num2 Print “num1 num2” true false end Print “num2 num1” Flowcharting the double- selection if...else statement
if … else Selection Statement C code
Nested if … else Statements Test for multiple cases by placing if…else selection statements inside if…else selection statement Once condition is met, rest of statements skipped Example - Pseudocode If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 90 Print “A” else If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 80 Print “B” else If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 70 Print “C” else If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60 Print “D” else Print “F”
Nested if … else Statements Flowchart Print “A” true score>=90 false score>=80 Print “B” true false score>=70 Print “C” true false score>=60 Print “D” true Print “F” false
Nested if … else Statements C code /* Convert a student's score to grade */ #include /* function main begins program execution */ int main( void ) { int score; /* score of the student */ printf( "Enter the score\n" ); /* prompt */ scanf( "%d", &score ); /* read an integer */ if ( score >= 90 ) printf( "The grade is 'A'.\n" ); else if ( score >= 80 ) printf( "The grade is 'B'.\n" ); else if ( score >= 70 ) printf( "The grade is 'C'.\n" ); else if ( score >= 60 ) printf( "The grade is 'D'.\n" ); else printf( "The grade is 'F'.\n" ); return 0; /* indicate that program ended successfully */ } /* end function main */
Compound Statement Set of statements within a pair of braces Example: if ( grade >= 60 ) printf( "Passed.\n" ); else { printf( "Failed.\n" ); printf( "You must take this course again.\n" ); } Without the braces, the statement printf( "You must take this course again.\n" ); would be executed automatically. A compound statement can be placed anywhere in a program that a single statement can be placed.
Write a program that completes the following: Read in three integers and determine the largest. You should only use if/else statements for the logic in your code. Submit your maxnum.c file to the dropbox called Maximum Number and complete Program Quiz 2. In-Class Programming Exercise