2012 Review of Geography Lesson Plan Date your papers: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 Thursday, August 30, 2012
Essential and Guiding Questions: 1.How does geography affect the population of a country/region? 2.How does the population of a country/region affect other countries/regions? 3.How does human activity affect the environment? 4. How does the physical environment affect the political, social and economic relations of differing cultures? 5.How do natural resources impact the development of a culture/civilization? 6. How can a variety of maps be used to gain information? 7. What factors impact international trade? 8.How does the physical environment affect the development of political, economic, and social systems? 9. In what ways do humans try to change the environment to fit their needs?
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 Quiet Question: Type One Prompt---Read the following article on the impact of the changing climate on migration. When you are done, you are to do the following: a)What is the main point or argument of the article? How could you tell? b) What part of the article was most surprising to you and why? c)How does this article demonstrate the impact and relationship between geography and human society?
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 Class: Students will share their responses to the questions. All of the areas we will study this year in this course are affected by this type of migration as well as other environmental and political crises. Geography and development of these cultures and individual countries go hand in hand. But before we begin to explore them, I need to do a Geography Skills Review to see what you remember from sixth grade and what you have forgotten.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 Individual: You are going to take the 2012 Geography Pre-Test. Try to answer as many of the questions as you can from memory and reasoning. Homework: Finish the Geography Pre-Test.
Thursday, August 30, 2012 Pair-Share: Working with a partner, you will now use the National Geographic Reference Atlas and Essential Elements of Geography Sections in the textbook to check and correct your answers. The pages for this are A1 to A27 and GH1 to GH13.
Thursday, August 30, 2012 Homework: Now applying your Geography Skills, you have a choice between two assignments. Option One: Create a Geography Scavenger Hunt using measures of latitude and longitude to locate specific places on the maps of either Africa or Asia--- locating cities and major land features. Directions: It must be typed. There must be a correct answer key. The necessary maps are printed up and attached. You must have a minimum of 15 cities and land features to be located. Worth 100 Points.
Thursday, August 30, 2012 Option Two: Create Vocabulary Cards for a minimum of 10 geography terms. 1.__________It was turned in on time. For each day late, it is 10% off the value:__________________ 2.__________On each card, there were the following--- Word spelled correctly Geographic definition Examples Original Sentence using word context Historical graphic/illustration in color 3.__________FCA One: Min. of TEN cards with:---Worth 60 Points. word, definition, with examples 4.________FCA Two: Complete, original sentence that conveys the geographic meaning of the word--- Worth 20 points. 5.________FCA Three: Relevant picture or illustration that can be hand-drawn or computer generated in color---Worth 15 points. 6._________No Excuses: Self-Edited Rough Drafts for at least 5 out of the 10 vocabulary cards, TYPED, and spell-checked---Worth 5 points.
The absolute monarchy of Louis XIV was a classic example of tyranny.
Thursday, August 30, 2012 The Geography Homework is due on: Chunking of Homework by Night: Thursday: Scavenger Hunt: Decide on what 15 places or features you want the class to find using the internet, textbook, and/or atlas Vocabulary Cards: Decide on your ten geography terms. And get the definitions for them.
Chunking of Homework Friday: Scavenger Hunt: Write out and type out the clues for seven of the places. Vocabulary Cards: Write out the sentences and find examples for the terms. Tuesday: Scavenger Hunt: Write out and type out the clues for the remaining eight places. Vocabulary Cards: Write out your own definitions and get the pictures for each.
Chunking of Homework Wednesday: Scavenger Hunt: Edit your work. Make sure everything is typed. Make sure your answer key is accurate. Print up maps. Vocabulary Cards: Edit your rough drafts. Type up your final copies. Due Thursday, September 6, 2012