META tag META tag is the element in the HTML that interacts with the search engines. It’s contain 2 attributes that should always be used: NAME: is an identification of the type of META tag ( eg: keywords, description) CONTENT: attribute provides information that search engine will be cataloging about your site. META element are not visible to user of the site and it must be placed inside the HEADER section of HTML document.
Syntax META tag Syntax: EXAMPLE: Where: The content of a META tag with NAME= “ Keywords” provides search engines with a list of words that describe key aspects of your site. These word are used to match with searches.
FRAMESET tag Used to display more than one HTML file at a time. Can make your website more readable and usable. Syntax:
How to call & display webpage in a frame Use hyperlink tag and attribute target. CLICK HERE Note: This code would load lab1.html in the frame whose NAME attribute is main (this code normally used in menu when user want to call & display a content).
Nested FRAMESET tag