Country Presentation on the MDGs Process Ethiopian Team March 3,2006 Dar es Salaam
Important Milestones & Timelines Ethiopia’s MDGs Investment Plan Issued in December 2005; The MDGs-Based Five Year Plan(2005/ /10) (PASDEP) has been already endorsed by the Cabinet in broad terms and is being refined and augmented based on inputs from Stakeholders including Government bodies; Once refined the PASDEP will be approved by the Parliament before Mid April 2006; Forward Looking M&E Action Plan(2004/ /09) Jointly Developed by the WMU of MOFED and CSA through consultation with Stakeholders through support from the DAG;
Costing the MDGs A: The MDGs Period(2005/ /15 ) In the Ethiopian case, MDGs Needs Assessment completed; Investment Plan formulated and issued (The MDGs Needs Assessment Synthesis Study Report); The total Cost Requirement projected at $US 100 Billion during the coming ten years; Of which the public component including ODA (which goes through the budget) is estimated at $US 76 Billion for the coming ten years; The Residual is estimated to be financed outside of the public domain (Households, Private Business, NGOs/CSOs, grass root community mobilization)
----Costing B: The PASDEP The PASDEP Program costs are MDGs-based as submitted by sect oral ministries in their respective five-year sect oral plans extracted from the respective sect oral needs assessment reports; The aggregate total cost requirement as submitted from sect oral line ministries for pro-poor sectors for the coming five years stood at 342 Billion ETB(US$40 Billion) at the current Exchange rate(US$1=8.67 ETB); This total pro-poor sect oral cost requirements have been aligned to the MEFF by taking in to consideration budgetary and non-budgetary costs, those to be covered outside of the public domain(HHs, NGOs/CSOs, public companies, Communities); This brings down total pro-poor cost requirements for the five year period from 342 Billion ETB(US$40 Billion) to 183 Billion ETB($US 21Billion); In other words from US$ 8 Billion per annum down to US$ 4.2 Billion per annum;
PASDEP Total Pro-Poor Sectoral Cost Requirements (Million ETB) Items2005/062006/072007/082008/092009/10Total Education Health HIV/AIDS Water & Sanitation Agriculture & RD Roads PSD Telecom Power Gender &Dev’t Population &Dev’t Irrigation Dev’t Urban Dev’t Total
Financing the PASDEP: Aligning to the MEFF (The Base Case Scenario) (Million ETB) Items2005/062006/072007/082008/092009/10Total Domestic Revenue External Budget Grants Total Revenue and Grants Total Expenditure O/w: Poverty-oriented Overall Balance Including Grants External (Net) Domestic (Net) Gap Financed Gap to be Financed
Major Challenges Availability of Financing (predictability, the need for multi-year disbursement plan, harmonization of procedures using existing government systems,etc); Further Strengthen Sectoral Monitoring systems (including their regional states’ counter parts); Improve coordination between state and non- state actors to Enhance information exchange and the complimentary roles the various sources of information;
Expectations of Support from UNCT /MP Capacity Building (Training) to further improve analytical framework (Modeling and simulation works) at the level of the central coordinating institution (MOFED); Immediate support to refine costing for some of the sectors with relatively week M&E systems( Agriculture and Rural Development, Urban Development, Power, Telecom, Irrigation)
Thank You