IT Engineering I Instructor: Rezvan Shiravi
XHTML XHTML is an application of Extensible Markup Language (XML) XML is more restricted that SGML XHTML has more restrictions vs. HTML XHTML is more well-defined
XHTML Rules (vs. HTML) XHTML DOCTYPE is mandatory The XML namespace attribute in is mandatory,,, and is mandatory All tags have ending (closing) tags Some tags are self closing Tags cannot be overlapped test All tags are lowercase Attributes’ value must be in double quotation Browsers ignore unknown tags and attributes
XHTML Skeleton HEAD contains setup information for the browser & page e g window
Document Types There are three versions of XHTML Transitional XHTML: Deprecated features from HTML 4.1 are allowed Strict XHTML: No deprecated feature from HTML is allowed Frameset XHTML: Mainly used to create frames The version is specified by DOCTYPE tag For transitional: For strict: For frameset:
There are some deprecated attributes to control list appearance Shape: square, circle, disc