Overview of the desk Review of Counter- Trafficking Initiatives in IGAD and EAC Regions December 2010
Introduction This desk review was conducted as part of AU/IOM project entitled ‘Stop Trafficking Now!’ The project aims at contributing to member states’ efforts to combat human trafficking A review of counter-trafficking efforts undertaken by IGAD and EAC member states, as well as IGAD and EAC secretariats, and the African Union Commission.
Objectives The specific objectives of the assessment are to: –identify existing initiatives; –identify existing gaps and challenges; –compile an inventory of interventions; –a comprehensive analysis of efforts to allow constructive discussions and identification of concrete actions
Methodology Desk review of relevant documents, laws, studies Questionnaire developed based on OAP Visits to all member states of IGAD and EAC, except Somalia
Initiatives to combat TIP Based on the OAP, initiatives are categorized into: –Prevention and awareness raising; –Victim protection and assistance; –Legislative framework, policy development and law enforcement; and –Cooperation and coordination. Gaps Recommendations based on OAP The desk review does not assess the situation of TIP in member states.
TIP in the region CountriesCountry of origin Country of transit Country of destination Burundixx Djiboutixxx Ethiopiax Kenyaxxx Rwandaxx Somaliaxx Sudanxxx Tanzaniaxxx Ugandaxx
Prevention and awareness raising A number of initiatives have been documented Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda have programmes promoting the rights of children in general and protecting them from trafficking in particular Some sort of awareness raising and information campaigns against TIP are documented in most countries
Continued Rwanda is planning to conduct awareness raising and information campaigns Burundi has provided pre-deployment anti- trafficking training to Burundian peacekeepers Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania have programmes that create and enhance vocational training and livelihoods alternatives to vulnerable youth;
Recommendations to fight TIP include: –ensuring education and training opportunities –providing viable employment and other livelihood opportunities –improving the economic and living conditions of families and extended families –Strengthening awareness raising and information campaigns –Developing a system to collect and analyze data on TIP –Conducting research on the situation of TIP
Forms of TIP Djibouti, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda criminalize all forms of TIP Ethiopia criminalizes trafficking in women and children for forced labour and prostitution Sudan criminalizes sex trafficking, abduction, luring and forced labour
Law enforcement Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Uganda have a special unit within the police dealing with TIP Kenya has a special unit within Interpol In Ethiopia, MoFA, Federal Police, Prosecutor’s Office and Immigration Authority have established a direct channel of communication to share information for the investigation and prosecution of trafficking cases Djibouti-Ethiopia, and Djibouti-Yemen, have develop joint border control dealing with TIP Cooperation between Kenya and Ethiopia is underway
Training of law enforcement officials on how to deal with TIP Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda conducted training of law enforcement, immigration officials and judges Burundi and Rwanda are planning to conduct training of law enforcement and immigration officials supported by UNODC and IOM
Cooperation and coordination A Regional Plan of Action to prevent and combat TIP in Eastern Africa is developed between IGAD and EAC member states within the framework of a project led by UNODC, Interpol Sub-Regional Bureau and the Eastern Africa Police Chiefs Cooperation Organization.
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