Beramiesha Thompson Laura Salman Dianna Baritot MST Inquiry Unit Plan – Summer 2010 Professor O’Connor-Petruso
Unit Plan Overview (slide 3) Content Web of Unit Plan (slide 4) Lesson 1: Rockin’ Around (slides 5, 6, & 7) Lesson 5: Fossil Fuels Web quest(slides 8, 9 & 10) Lesson 6: Walking Tour and Film (slides 11, 12, 13 & 14) References: (slide 15)
What Are the Three Different Types of Rocks? Students will learn the three major types of rocks and classify them based on their characteristics. Students will create a bar graph representing the students and type of rocks brought in.
NCTM Math Skills Process Standards: Representation - Using Spreadsheets and Graphing Software Content Standards: Data Analysis NAEP Process Skills Scientific Inquiry: S4.3 Identify patterns in data and/or relate patterns in data to theoretical models Technology: T4.1 Propose or critique solutions to problems, given criteria and scientific constraints NAEP Science Content Standard Properties of Earth Materials: Nature and human-made materials E4.4 Earth materials that occur in nature include rocks, minerals, soils, water, and the gases of the atmosphere ISTE NETs Standards for Literate Students Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students: d. process data and report results. Communication and Collaboration: Students use hands on manipulative to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.
How Are Earth Materials Used to Provide Us With Energy? Students will follow a webquest through the class filamentality website and research an investigative report as journalists studying fossil fuels. filamentality website
NAEP Process Skills Scientific Inquiry: S4.2 Conduct scientific investigations using appropriate tools and techniques (e.g., selecting an instrument that measures the desired quantity—length, volume, mass, weight, time interval, temperature—with the appropriate level of precision); S4.4 Use empirical evidence to validate or criticize conclusions about explanations and predictions (e.g., check to see that the premises of the argument are explicit, notice when the conclusions do not follow logically from the evidence given). NCTM Process Standards – Connectins Content Standards – Data Analysis and Probability NAEP Science Content Standard Earth Structures Properties of Earth Materials: Natural and human-made materials E4.6: Some Earth materials have properties that make them useful either in their present form or designed and modified to solve human problems and enhance the quality of life, as in the case of materials used for building or fuels used for heating and transportation. ISTE NETs Standards for Literate Students Research and Information Fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.
Students answer a series of close-ended questions about fossil fuels Students write a report answering several open- ended questions Students create a radial graphic organizer to display data Prehistoric Plants Coal Prehistoric Organisms Oil Natural Gas Wind, Water, Sun Renewable Energy
How are Earth Materials Used as Building Materials? Students will conduct a filmed walking tour of the neighborhood to observe earth materials as building materials. Students will chart the data they find in a bar graph.
NCTM Math Skills Process Standards: Representation/Collections Content Standards: Geometry/Data Analysis & Probability NAEP Process Skills Scientific Inquiry: S4.3 Identify patterns in data and/or relate patterns in data to theoretical models; Technology: T4.3 Apply science principles or data to anticipate effects of technological design NAEP Science Content Standard E4.6: Some Earth materials have properties that make them useful either in their present form or designed and modified to solve human problems and enhance the quality of life, as in the case of materials used for building or fuels used for heating and transportation. ISTE NETs Standards for Literate Students Creativity and Innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Students: b.create original works as a means of personal or group expression. c.use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.
Students will create a documentary film similar to this: Link HERE
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Domains, August 5, ISTE Nets 2007 Technology Standards for Literate Students, August 5, htm htm Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, July 22, Multiple Intelligences, August 5, Science Framework for the 2009 NAEP, August 5, 2010 Science Framework for the 2009 NAEP, August 5, d%2fexecute%2flauncher%3ftype%3dCourse%26id%3d_321378_1%26url%3d d%2fexecute%2flauncher%3ftype%3dCourse%26id%3d_321378_1%26url%3d Just for kids - SOIL! August 3, discusses the good materials in soil, the bad ones. Why we need soil, what lives in soil. Facts about soil. And fun activities about soil. Rosinsky, N. (2002 ) Rocks: Hard, soft, smooth, and rough. Minneapolis, Minn. Picture Window Books Publisher Soiled again. August 6, Discusses the different ways in which people categorize soil. Looks at the characteristics of soil. Soils around the world. August 7, Gives a good introduction to soil. Provides great illustration to soils from different areas of the world. Since different locations around the world have different weather, and support different kinds of organisms, soils vary in color and texture. What on earth is soil? August 6, discusses what soil is and proves fun facts about soil.