Physics 1251 The Science and Technology of Musical Sound Unit 4 Session 41 MWF MIDI
Physics 1251Unit 4 Session 41 MIDI What is the maximum frequency that can be represented by data that was digitized at a sampling rate of 10 kHz? By the Nyquist Criterion: f max = ½ R Or 5 kHz.
Physics 1251Unit 4 Session 41 MIDI 1′ Lecture: MIDI is the acronym for “Musical Instrument Digital Interface.” MIDI is the acronym for “Musical Instrument Digital Interface.” MIDI is a control protocol that uses binary codes to remotely control electronic musical instruments. MIDI is a control protocol that uses binary codes to remotely control electronic musical instruments. MIDI uses a current loop to communicate in which current flowing means “0” and no current means “1.” MIDI uses a current loop to communicate in which current flowing means “0” and no current means “1.” The Electronic wind instrument (EWI), Electronic Valve Instrument (EVI) and Electronic String Instrument (ESI) use MIDI for control. The Electronic wind instrument (EWI), Electronic Valve Instrument (EVI) and Electronic String Instrument (ESI) use MIDI for control.
Physics 1251Unit 4 Session 41 MIDI 80/20 Digitization is the process of converting a waveform into a series of binary numbers that represent the amplitude of the signal at equal intervals of time. Pressure [1000] 2 [0100] 2 [0010] 2 [0001] 2 Analog Waveform Digitized Waveform Binary Coded Data
Physics 1251Unit 4 Session 41 MIDI 80/20 MIDI (1982) sends, not a digitized wave form, but rather a binary coded performance message to control electronic instruments (synthesizers). Master MIDI Out Slave
Physics 1251Unit 4 Session 41 MIDI MIDI—Physical: A five pin connector labeled “MIDI Out,” “MIDI In,” or “MIDI Thru.” Communication is via current. MIDI Out MIDI In Communication via current: current = 0, no current = 1
Physics 1251Unit 4 Session 41 MIDI MIDI—Physical: A five pin connector labeled “MIDI Out,” “MIDI In,” or “MIDI Thru.” Communication is via current.
Physics 1251Unit 4 Session 41 MIDI MIDI Physical: A MIDI chain can be assembled of up to 64 channels [0000] 2 to [1111] 2. MIDI Out MIDI Thru Channel
Physics 1251Unit 4 Session 41 MIDI MIDI Coding: A MIDI command is a word of three 8-bit bytes—status and 2 data bytes. StatusData [ ][ ][ ]: Data {09, 04} Note on, Channel {060}{255} C4C4C4C4 Speed 255, ( hardest) Example:
Physics 1251Unit 4 Session 41 MIDI 80/20 A MIDI command is a binary code that follows a prescribed syntax and grammar. StatusData [ ][ ][ ]: Data {08, 04} Note off, Channel {060}{xxx} C4C4C4C4Irrelevant Example:
Physics 1251Unit 4 Session 41 MIDI MIDI Instruments: Electronic Wind Instrument (EWI) MIDI signals: Note, pressure, lip
Physics 1251Unit 4 Session 41 MIDI MIDI Instruments: Electronic Valve Instrument (EVI)
Physics 1251Unit 4 Session 41 MIDI MIDI Instruments: Electronic String Instrument (ESI) Janos Warren Bond— Electric Strad
Physics 1251Unit 4 Session 41 MIDI MIDI Instruments: Gesture Instruments (GI)h “The Glove” Prof. Butch Rovan
Physics 1251Unit 4 Session 41 MIDI Summary: MIDI is the acronym for “Musical Instrument Digital Interface.” MIDI is the acronym for “Musical Instrument Digital Interface.” MIDI is a control protocol that uses binary codes to remotely control electronic musical instruments, where a current loop is used to communicate MIDI is a control protocol that uses binary codes to remotely control electronic musical instruments, where a current loop is used to communicate The Electronic wind instrument (EWI), Electronic Valve Instrument (EVI) and Electronic String Instrument (ESI) use MIDI for control. The Electronic wind instrument (EWI), Electronic Valve Instrument (EVI) and Electronic String Instrument (ESI) use MIDI for control.