Renaissance The Rebirth of Europe
Humanism and Secular Life Study of classical texts that focused on potential human achievement Artists to carry on classical traditions Study history, literature, and philosophy Humanists think that you should enjoy what God has given Material luxuries, music, and tasty food Secular life - concerned with the here and now
Beginnings of the Rebirth Rebirth of art and learning Begins in Northern Italy around 1300 Took longer to happen in N. Europe because of the 100 years war Italy had several advantages Thriving cities, wealthy merchant class, heritage of Greece and Rome
Urban Centers Crusades brings about much overseas trade N. Italy was very urban Cities places for new ideas to spread Plague had previously hit hard and changed economic structure Fewer opportunities for business expansion, merchants begin pursuing the arts
Merchant Class All Italian city-states ran their own affairs - collect taxes, have own army Merchants wealthiest most powerful class Didn’t inherit social rank Success depended on own abilities Individual achievement became important
Changing Art New techniques Vanishing point, perspective, and horizon line Often painted religious depictions
New Writers Begin writing in the vernacular Wrote either self- expression or to portray the individuality of their subject Picture from Dante’s Inferno
Northern Renaissance Begins 1453 The 100 Years War ended and cities are growing rapidly Began first in Flanders England and France unified under strong monarchs More humanists in France more concerned with religious ideas Social reform based on Christian values
Northern Writers Reform Society Erasmus - The Praise of Folly, poked fun at greedy merchants, heartsick lovers, quarrelsome scholars, and pompous priests. Thought to improve society all should study the bible Believed in a Christianity of the heart not of ceremonies Sir Thomas Moore - Utopia, imaginary land about peace loving people, no greed, corruption, war, or crime