Renaissance Period -Another name for this period is “Rebirth.” -The Renaissance Period was from the years This period is also considered the “Dominant intellectual movement.” -Humanism-Focused on human life and its accomplishments. Humanists were not concerned with the afterlife. (i.e. Heaven and Hell)
Renaissance Period The Roman Catholic Church (R.C.C.) became less powerful Aristocrats (wealthy business people) and the upper middle class considered education a status symbol. The invention of printing helped accelerate both the learning and the spread of music.
Music in the Renaissance Period
Musical texture was mostly polyphonic.polyphonic Imitation was often used. The Renaissance Period is often called the “Golden age of unaccompanied vocal music.” “Golden age of unaccompanied vocal music. Score in modern notation. Many pieces had 4,5, or 6 voice parts. A cappella - Unaccompanied vocal music.
Music in the Renaissance Period Large courts might employ 30 musicians playing all types of instruments. These courts gave musicians jobs.courts gave musicians
Renaissance Period Every educated person was expected to be trained in music. Vocal music was more important than instrumental. Galliard Dance. Vocal music instrumentalGalliard Dance Musicians were hired to play for churches, courts (royal and aristocratic), and towns.
Renaissance Period Lyrics were used to create a relationship between words and music. Word Painting (Text Painting)-A musical representation of poetic images. Word Painting For example-descending from heaven-the melody would start high and get lower.
Secular Renaissance Music Secular music became more popular. One important kind of secular music was the madrigal.madrigal Madrigal – A piece for several voices set to a short poem, about love.
Sacred Renaissance Music Two main forms sacred music: ◦ -Mass – Polyphonic piece of music used in church services. ◦ -Motet – A polyphonic piece of music, set to the Latin text of the bible, not used in church services.
Composers Giovani Palestrina Lived from Composer that devoted himself to the church. Composed the “Pope Marcellus Mass.”Pope Marcellus Mass The piece was written for six voices and helped convince the church to keep polyphonic music in church services.
Composers Josquin des Prez ◦ -Lived from ◦ -Composed music for the church and secular vocal pieces. ◦ -Composed the Motet: “Ave Maria”Ave Maria -Polyphonic in texture. -Uses 4 voices. -Score for Ave Maria.Ave Maria
Composers Thomas Weelkes ◦ - Lived from ◦ Was an English composer and organist. ◦ Weelkes was best know for his music especially his Madrigals. ◦ Recall the example for word painting. ◦ Another Weelkes example.Weelkes
Instrumental Music More music was written for instruments during this musical era. Instrumental music was commonly used for dancing. Every cultivated person was expected to be skilled in dance. Common Renaissance instruments: ◦ -ShawmShawm ◦ -LuteLute ◦ -RecorderRecorder ◦ -TrumpetTrumpet ◦ -Viols (Stringed Instrument)Viols (Stringed Instrument)