Renaissance Music
Review – High Middle Ages Texture Monophonic A single, unaccompanied melody Polyphonic Two or more simultaneous and independent melodies Machaut’s Quant en moy c. 14th century High Middle Ages Can you follow the lyrics or one of the voices? Melismatic (many notes)
Renaissance Music Humanist Humanist (Greek) Printing Press Education included music Humanist (Greek) Pythagoras and the math behind music Music could affect human emotion Printing Press Mass reproduction of music Music affordable in homes Music as a business (Artists to Composers) Songs in vernacular Secular songs
Renaissance Music High Renaissance Style Fluid, smooth, carefully controlled polyphony Occasional uses of homophony Voices move together in same rhythm Imitative Polyphony (Counterpoint) Voices echo a phrase in another voice at a different pitch Fluid, generally lacking in sharp rhythmic edges, and characterized by smooth, conjunct, carefully controlled polyphony with occasional uses of homophony.
Josquin Desprez Considered the greatest Renaissance composer “Josquin is the master of the notes.” – Luther Petite Camusette (Little Snubnose) c. 1500 Six voices Imitative polyphony (listen for the echo) How easy is it to follow the words?
Renaissance Mass Josquin Desprez Ave maris stella, c. 1500 Paraphrase mass Based on plainchant Imitative Polyphony 4 Voices Can you follow the voices? Pay attention to the lyrics Try to pick out the bass voice, especially at the end. What to listen for: Are the words easy to understand? As it starts it’s easy, but once all 4 voices are in it is too hard.
Renaissance Mass Giovanni da Palestrina Pope Marcellus, 1555 Composed to show Church leaders that music in the church was not evil Six voices Compare these lyrics to Josquin’s Is this mass easier or harder to follow than Josquin’s? Palestrina: 6 Parts. Compare the ease of understanding to the first piece. Each first syllable is on it’s own note while all other voices hold the note they are on.
The Madrigal A secular, unaccompanied vocal work for four to six individual voices. Most important genre of secular music Often based on poetry Word Painting Music that reflects the meaning of a word or group of words
The Madrigal Cipriano de Rore Datemi pace (Give me peace) 1557 Listen for word painting “Death” low tones “Love” bright tones Follow along with the lyrics. What is the song about? What literary form is this? Who do you think wrote the original? Based on one of Petrarch’s sonnets. +
The Madrigal Carlo Gesualdo Prince, not a professional composer Seriously disturbed Io parto (I am leaving) 1611 Extensive word painting Bizarre harmonics Focus on the emotion of this song. How do you feel? Try to summarize the plot as you follow the lyrics. Ges-waldo A messed up dude. Ignored his wife so she took a lover, a local Duke. Gesualdo installed a fake lock on the door and pretended to go away on a trip. His wife summoned her lover, they locked the door, thinking they were safe. Gesualdo returned in disguise, opened the door and shot the Duke twice, killing him. Then he pulled out a stilleto and cut his wife to pieces. After this he was “afflicted by demons.” He hires 10 young men to beat him three times a day and then he feels happy again, often smiling during the beating.
The Madrigal Thomas Weelkes English As Vesta Was from Latmos Hill Descending 1601 Oriana is a reference to Elizabeth I Word painting “hill” “descending” “ascending” “running down” “two by two” “three by three” “all alone” What is the last line? Wheelks From a collection of 23 madrigals entitled “The Triumph of Oriana” Vesta walking down the hill with her vestal virgins. Elizabeth (Oriana) is coming up. All of the virgins leave Vesta and party with Oriana. 2 by 2 (2 voices), 3 by 3 (3 voices), “all alone” (1 voice)
Riddle Song Scarborough Faire Elizabethan Era, but melody is probably older Questions to think about: What is he asking his true love to do? Why? Does he love or hate her? What’s the deal with the herbs?