Suppose Devyn is enrolling in your school tomorrow. What is ALL of the possible information that you would like to know (from the previous school or information you intend to gather yourself) about Devyn?
2 Collect Data What do you already know? What data do you need to know? What additional information/data do you need to know? Where can the information/data be found? Achievement/ Student Outcome Data How our students perform on local, state and federal assessments (subgroups) Demographic or Contextual Data Describes our students, staff, building, and community Process Data The policies, procedures, and systems we have in place that define how we do business Perception Data Opinions of staff, parents, community and students regarding our school
Perfect attendance; 2 moves in 6 years of school (2 school districts); No discipline referrals; Kinesthetic (Demographic Data) Advanced Proficient MEAP Math; benchmark on Delta Math; Not Proficient in Reading; At Risk on DIBELS (Achievement data) P/T Conf. participation; Ability grouping in math and reading for 30 min per day; Does not qualify for LD (Process Data) Tech survey ready; teacher says compliant, active, friendly; parents ask to challenge him appropriately; student likes soccer, wrestling & hunting (Perception Data) * Fictional Data
A Collaborative Problem Solving Approach to Student Achievement Now that you know … what’s next? Should we simply place the data on in a notebook and put it on a shelf?
A Collaborative Problem Solving Approach to Student Achievement Besides simply having a plan of action, what is the next logical step to helping students?
A Collaborative Problem Solving Approach to Student Achievement How do we know if it is working or not?
A Collaborative Problem Solving Approach to Student Achievement What works for the individual, works for the system!
Student Achievement Study Analyze Data Set Goals Set Measurable Objectives Research Best Practice Michigan Continuous School Improvement School Process Rubrics (mid-February) School Data Profile/Analysis Profile/Analysis(mid-April) Summary Report/ Goals Management School Improvement Plan (mid-May) Program Evaluation (June and on-going) Annual Education Report (mid-August) Gather Getting Ready Collect District Data Build District Profile Plan Develop Action Plan S.M.A.R.T Objectives Do Implement Plan Monitor Plan Evaluate Plan