Introductory Lesson
Welcome As you arrive, please add your name to the Sign-In Sheet and fill out the Participant Survey
Collect Information At this time, we will: 1. Sign in 2. Fill out the Participant Survey 3. Work one-on-one to complete the Stages of Change Staging Tool
Introductions Icebreaker – Let’s meet each other!
What Will the Program Be Like? There are 12 sessions in this program We will cover four main topics about diabetes: Understanding Diabetes The ABCs of Diabetes Nutrition for Diabetes Getting Routine Care
How Will the Program Help You? Make important daily changes Manage your diabetes for six months or more
How Will the Program Help You? Recognize that you are in control of your diabetes Provide information about diabetes Provide opportunities for you to make decisions that are in your best interest
The Stages of Change Explains how people change their behavior There are five stages of behavior change: 1. Pre-contemplation 2. Contemplation 3. Preparation 4. Action 5. Maintenance
The Stages of Change 1. Pre-contemplation: You are not interested in making changes to manage your diabetes 2. Contemplation: You are thinking about making changes to manage your diabetes but not soon 3. Preparation: You have decided to make changes and you are making plans to manage your diabetes
The Stages of Change 4. Action: You are making many lifestyle changes to manage your diabetes 5. Maintenance: You have been maintaining behavior to manage your diabetes for six months or longer
What Should Be Your Goal? As you attend these classes, you should move from: – Preparation: making plans to manage your diabetes – Action: taking steps to manage your diabetes – Maintenance: managing your diabetes for six months or longer
Let’s Look at the Staging Tool Where are you in terms of your readiness to make changes to manage your diabetes? The goal is to move to the Action stage and then to the Maintenance stage
How Will the Program Help You? You will learn to manage your diabetes by doing the following: Make healthy food choices Follow a diabetes meal plan Take part in physical activity Monitor blood glucose
How will the program help you? You will learn to manage your diabetes by doing the following: Stay in contact with your doctor or health care team Follow your doctor’s recommendations Solve problems related to diabetes Set goals for yourself and work toward accomplishing these goals
How Will the Program Help You? You will learn to manage your diabetes by doing the following: Make healthy food choices Follow a diabetes meal plan Take part in physical activity Monitor blood glucose
Goal Setting Set and accomplish goals that relate to managing diabetes Goals should be SMART: S-pecific M-easurable A-ction Oriented R-ealistic T-ime Framed
S-pecific No: I will exercise more each day Yes: On three days of the week, I will walk for 15 minutes in the morning before work and 15 minutes in the evening after work TIP: Think about what you are ready, willing, and able to change and what will work for you
M-easurable I will exercise for 30 minutes on three days each week I will eat whole wheat bread instead of white bread I will check my blood sugar once a day
A-ction Oriented Think about what you need to do to achieve your goal If your goal is to exercise for 30 minutes on three days of the week, you may want to take the following actions: Get clearance from your doctor Find someone who is willing to walk with you Buy a comfortable pair of shoes Decide where you will walk Walk for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening
R-ealistic Choose a goal where you will be successful Can you live with this goal? Choose a goal that you know you can achieve Can you live with big goals or small goals? Use what works for you
T-ime Framed Use a reasonable time frame: In the next week I will buy comfortable walking shoes In the next month I want to walk for 30 minutes on five days of the week
How Are Classes Organized? L-esson E-mpowerment A-ction or setting a small goal R-eal-life problem solving N-utrition or food preparation
Diabetes Volunteer Peer Mentor (DVPM)
See you next week!
Date: References: Margaret E. Cook-Newell, Ph.D., R.D., L.D., CDE Irene Hong-McAtee, MD, MCR Hazel Forsythe, Ph.D., R.D., L.D., CFCS Laura Hieronymus, MSEd, APRN, BC-ADM, CDE Cheryl Case, M.S., Harrison County Ann Hollon, M.A., Wolfe County Adrienne Glodt, B.S., Graduate Student Stephen D. Perry, M.S., R.D., L.D. Lynn Blankenship, M.S., Metcalfe County Theresa Scott, M.A., Floyd County Tamara Thomas, M.S., Franklin County Jennifer Allen, M.S., Graphic Artist Author: Ingrid Adams, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Food Science, University of Kentucky Other Contributors