W ELCOME TO H ONORS B IOLOGY Refer to the seating chart – this will be your seat for the 1 st marking period.
H ONORS B IOLOGY C URRICULUM Covered Topics Cells & Cell Processes Basic Biological Principles The Chemical Basis of Life Bioenergetics Homeostasis and Transport Cell Growth and Reproduction Continuity & Unity of Life Genetics Inheritance Molecular Biology Biotechnology Evolution
H ONORS B IOLOGY E XPECTATIONS When assigned reading from your text, you will actually read it. You will make an honest effort to understand material & will ask for help when you need it. You will actually spend more than an hour or two the night before an exam to prepare. You recognize that you have the ability to comprehend at a higher level than your peers (CP & General), therefore you live up to your potential by trying your best.
H ONORS B IOLOGY P ROCEDURES You will arrive to class on time. If you are late, you will have a signed pass. You will keep a daily journal. This will be graded. You will clean up after yourselves – projects & labs can be messy – PLUS sinks & drawers are not trash cans! Work will be turned in at the start of class on the assigned date. Anything other than that will be marked late and points will be deducted. When absent, it is your responsibility to see me or a classmate to determine what you missed.
L ABORATORY E XPERIENCE Work in small groups of 2 to 4 people Inquiry labs will be used in addition to teacher directed labs. Information reported lab report, answer sheet and/or mini poster
B REAK Getting to know you… Using your electronic device or a laptop, complete the Honors Biology Student Survey found on my website under the “Survey” tab on the left hand side of the screen.
H ONORS B IOLOGY G RADING Your grade will be determined by how well you do in four different categories Tests & Quizzes50% Labs & Projects25% Classwork15% Homework10% Final Grade Each marking period is worth 25% of your grade There is no final No Extra Credit – sorry
“T HE T EST ” At the end of the year – May 2015 – you will be given the Biology Keystone Exam. All students must pass this exam in order to graduate from High School. Our Mission: All of you will score ADVANCED on the Biology Keystone In the past two years, I have had all students pass but not all students scored ADVANCED. My goal – you will be better than previous years Your motivator – this counts for you where it did not for them.
T EXTBOOK Campbell, Reece, et al., Biology Concepts & Connections, 5 th edition, Benjamin Cummings, On-line access code – I will have this for you soon.
1 ST H OMEWORK A SSIGNMENT Read & Sign Lab Safety Contract. Get parent/guardian signature on Lab Safety Contract. Due Thursday 8/28/14 – Start of Class. Ask your parent to complete the “AP Biology Parent Survey” found on my website. Due Tuesday 9/2/14 – by 7:34 am.