12 th and 13 th Century Gothic Art
Abbey Church of Saint-Denis, Ile-de-France, France
Ambulatory choir and detail of vault, Abbey Church of Saint-Denis, 1140–1144 (see 16–3)
Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Paris. Begun 1163 (see 16–5)
Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame, 1134–1220 (see p499)
West facade, Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame (16–6)
Royal Portal, west facade, Chartres Cathedral, 1145–55 (16–7)
Chartres Cathedral buttresses and view of nave. c (nave, 16–11)
Chartres, Interior looking down nave toward crossing. d=cIulv93-OSEJ:&tbnh=106&tbnw=141&start=7&prev=/images%3Fq%3DChartres%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26sa%3DG
Chartres, Good Samaritan WIndow. (see 16–12) left, paradoxplace.com. Google Images. 5 February Right, medart.pitt.edu Google Images. 5 February 2012
Chartres Cathedral stained glass, details (also see 16–12)
Labrinth at Chartres
West Façade of Central Portal, Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Reims (see 16–16) artbible.net. Google Images. 5 February 2012
Sainte-Chapelle (Holy Chapel), Paris (see p508, A.) learn.columbia.edu. Google Images. 5 February 2012
Upper Chapel, Sainte-Chapelle, Paris. 1239–1248 (see p509, B.) tumblr.com. Google Images. 5 February 2012
Detail, portion of gothic cathedral. Villard de Honnecourt. Also see p510 ue/gothique.html. Google Images. 5 February ue/gothique.html
Geometric proportions to derive page ratios. Villard de Honnecourt. Also see p510 crai.archi.fr. Google Images. 5 February 2012
Moralizations from the Apocalypse (see 16–19) msm240f003v ‑ 004.jpg. themorgan.org. Google Images. 5 February 2012 msm240f003v ‑ 004.jpg
Salisbury Cathedral, England. 1220–1258 (see 16–21) stonehenge-stone-circle.co.uk. Google Images. 5 February 2012
Salisbury Cathedral, nave (see 16–23) charlesnadolski.com. Google Images. 5 February 2012
Church of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Marburg, Germany 1235–1283 (see 16–25) balamand.edu.lb. Google Images. 5 February 2012
Church of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, interior (see 16–26) jpg jpg lessing-photo.com. Google Images. 5 February 2012
Altneuschul Synagogue, Prague, Czech Republic, late 13 th c (also see 16–27) jpg lessing-photo.com Google Images. 5 February jpg
Saint Maurice. (also see 16–29, statue of Saint Maurice at Magdeburg Cathedral, Magdeburg Germany) maurice.jpg. aesaintsoftheday.blogspot.com Google Images. 5 February 2012 maurice.jpg
CCoppo di Marcovaldo, CChristus Patiens, c. 1250–1270. (see 16–34) mosmaiorum1984..blogspot.com Google Images. 5 February 2012
Church of Saint Francis of Assisi. Assisi, Italy. (see 16–35) sacredsites.com. Google Images. 5 February 2012