AfL Network Meeting 6 th March 2008
Agenda 1.00Welcome, introductions 1.15AfL Leading Teachers initiative 1.25Alan Banks – the AfL Wiki 1.45Gloucestershire guide to AfL – update 2.05Sharing practice 2.30Tea 2.50Questioning and Dialogue – mini-inset 3.45Plenary 4.00Close
AfL Leading Teachers Initiative Objectives: to develop innovative practice in AfL; to disseminate best practice across LA in networks; to support AfL consultants with subject areas within schools. Outcomes: Growing resource of AfL materials to support teachers. Increased impact of AfL on learning; reduction in in- school variations.
AfL Leading Teachers Network Activities: Trial and evaluate innovative practice in own classrooms Develop strategies for tracking and securing pupil progress Support whole school development in own schools Coach colleagues Deliver training to / share practice with small groups of teachers with identified needs Contribute to LA run network meetings Run smaller local networks for enthusiastic ‘AfLers’. Continue to develop best practice guide Developing primary / secondary AfL links
AfL Leading Teachers Network Darin WilliamsEnglishDene Magna Simon BallScienceBalcarras Jane CaddyMathsTewkesbury Alan BanksGeographyBarnwood Park Peter HaywardGeographySir William Romney’s Rachel Crouch HistorySevern Vale
The Gloucestershire AfL Wiki Alan Banks
Gloucestershire Guide to Good AfL
Purpose: To develop a shared and common understanding of AfL across subject areas To deepen and extend teachers’ understanding and practice To offer key generic tools and strategies shown to work in Gloucestershire schools To offer subject specific examples of AfL in practice
Gloucestershire Guide to Good AfL Contents: Part 1 – teaching and learning. Part 2 – leadership and management of AfL CD of parts 1+2 Internet
Gloucestershire Guide to Good AfL Origins of materials: National Strategy resources Publications by leading AfL figures Gloucestershire secondary schools Consultants’ own materials 8 schools project report Internet
What further contributions can you make from your own school?
Sharing practice ‘Speed dating’ activity!
Questioning and Dialogue Objective To consider strategies to support teachers to develop effective questioning and dialogue in lessons. Outcome You will have identified how you will support progression in questioning and dialogue in your school.
The big question: Why does skilled questioning and dialogue contribute to effective AfL?
Strategies for effective dialogue To what extent are these strategies being used by teachers in your school? By whom? Which strategies are the most prevalent? Observed impact on learning? What are the barriers that may be preventing some teachers from using them? How can your teachers be encouraged to make better use of these strategies?