Chapter 13: Gothic Art
Warm-up 1-13-15 Ch.13 L1 Gothic Respond to the Following: 1. Look at the 2 images below, the right is Romanesque and the left Gothic. What are the similarities and differences you see? Obj: SWBAT analyze the differences between Romanesque and Gothic architecture
Agenda: HW Reading: Ch 13 Pg. 364 Chartres Cathedral Warm-up Announcements and Reminders Notes Exit Slip HW Reading: Ch 13 Pg. 364 Chartres Cathedral Due Today: Exit Slip on Gothic Vs. Romanesque PAST DUE: Ch 9 cue cards Ch 9 Quiz Hagia Sophia Exit Slip Hagia Sophia Essay Response Ch 11, 12, 17 Cue Cards Future Due Dates: 1/19--Mon Ch 12 Cue Cards 1/20--Semester 1 Final Exam Office Hours Tuesday 3:00-4:00 Thursday 3:00-4:00
January 2015 Late Work Deadline Sub Day Today Finals: per. 1, 3, 5 No School Regular day No School
GOTHIC Art The Age of the Great Cathedrals Theme: HEIGHT and LIGHT Dates: From 1144 to about 1300
CONTEXT Paris – intellectual center of Europe (Scholasticism) “Cult of the Virgin” - churches built to “Notre Dame” or Virgin Mary Growth of Cities - patronage shifts from monasteries (countryside) to urban bishops and clergy Growth Political Power of French Kings = stability Churches sell indulgences (pardon sins for $$) to raise $$ for construction New Building Technology: 1-- Flying buttress supports roof vaulting =more window space/light 2--Ribbed Vaulting (roof structure) = flexibility & complex geometry of plan 3--Pointed arch= opening of space = greater vertically (more upward thrust) 4 – MORE LIGHT b/c stained glass windows, allowed by flying buttress
Romanesque vs. Gothic Architecture What are the characteristics of Romanesque architecture? What are the characteristics of Gothic Architecture?