Volunteer Computing with BOINC Dr. David P. Anderson University of California, Berkeley SC10 Nov. 14, 2010
Goals Explain volunteer computing Teach how to create a volunteer computing project using BOINC Target audience: High-throughput computing users Technical skills: Basic Linux/Apache sysadmin, familiarity with PHP, SQL and XML, C/C++ (optional)
Outline Why use volunteer computing? Basic concepts of BOINC Developing BOINC applications (15 minute break) Deploying a BOINC server Deploying applications Submitting jobs Organizational issues
Part 1: Why use volunteer computing?
The Consumer Digital Infrastructure 1 billion PCs current GPUs: 1 TeraFLOPS (1,000 ExaFLOPS total) Storage: ~1,000 Exabytes Commodity Internet: 10-1,000 Mbps to home Consumers pay for hardware sysadmin network costs electricity
Volunteer computing PC owners donate computing resources to projects (e.g., computational science) Applications run at zero priority while PC in use, and/or while PC is not in use
Examples Projectstartwhereareapeak #hosts GIMPS1994math10,000 distributed.net1995cryptography100,000 I1999UCBSETI600,000 United Devices2002commercialbiomedicine200,000 CPDN2003Oxfordclimate change150,000 WCG2004commercialbiomedicine200,000 II2005UCBSETI850,000 Washbiology100,000 SIMAP2005T.U. Munichbioinformatics10,
Current status ~50 projects 500,000 vounteers 800,000 computers
High-throughput computing High-performance computing cluster (MPI) supercomputer cluster (batch) Grid Commercial cloud Volunteer computing single job # processors multiple jobs 10K-1M
Volunteer computing is different You don’t buy resources; you ask for them Resources are: heterogeneous sporadically available and connected untrusted and not private behind firewalls/NATs/proxies
Part 2: Basic concepts of BOINC
About BOINC Funded by NSF since 2002 Open-source (LGPL) Based at UC Berkeley Few staff, but lots of volunteers software testing translation documentation support ( lists, message boards, Skype)
Volunteers and projects volunteers projects CPDN WCG attachments
BOINC software overview client apps screensaver GUI scheduler MySQL data server daemons volunteer host project server HTTP
BOINC scheduler applications Win32 + NVIDIA Win64 Mac OS X app versions jobs instances Win32 N-core Win32 - HW, SW description - existing workload - per resource type: # of instances requested # of seconds requested - app version descriptions - job descriptions
Job replication Job instances may fail or return wrong results Job replication: do 2, see if they agree “agree” may be fuzzy Homogeneous replication numerical equivalence of hosts Adaptive replication reduce replication for hosts that seem trustworthy
The job pipeline work generator BOINC validator assimilator
The BOINC data model App versions, job inputs, job output can consist of arbitrarily many files Each file has a physical name (unique, immutable); each reference to a file has a “logical name” Files have various attributes (e.g., sticky) Each file can have one or more URLs, and are transferred via HTTP App version files are digitally signed
What kinds of jobs can BOINC handle? Pretty much anything you’d run on a Grid Bag of tasks (but IPC support soon) Short/long jobs Data intensive, up to a point Geared towards Few apps, many jobs (high startup cost per app) Jobs with high slack time
Part 3: Application development for BOINC
The BOINC runtime environment processes files
Native BOINC applications boinc_init() create runtime system thread boinc_finish() write finish file boinc_resolve_filename(logical, physical) boinc_fraction_done(x)
Checkpointing bool boinc_time_to_checkpoint() call when in checkpointable state boinc_checkpoint_done()
The BOINC wrapper Can use for legacy apps XML input file lists sub-jobs executable, input files What it does: interfaces to BOINC client copies files to/from slot directory runs executables does checkpointing at sub-job level
Building app versions Linux gcc Windows Visual Studio minGW (gcc) Mac OS X xcode
Multithread apps boinc_init_parallel() Allows suspend/resume of all threads Unix: fork/exec Windows: direct thread control
GPU app versions Develop for NVIDIA or ATI, with CUDA, CAL, OpenCL, etc. (BOINC supplies samples) Each version has a “plan class” For each plan class, supply a function that determines can app run on this host? hardware, driver version, etc. what resources will it use? #CPUs, #GPUs, GPU RAM, etc.
VM apps Develop apps on your favorite OS Create a VirtualBox VM image App version consists of VM wrapper (supplied by BOINC) VM image app executable
Part 4: Deploying a BOINC server
Hardware options Native Linux host download/compile BOINC software BOINC server VM (VMware/Debian) BOINC Amazon EC2 image
Components of a project Master URL name MySQL database Directory hierarchy A set of daemon processes and cron jobs
Processes work generator validator assimilator feeder MySQL DB scheduler transitioner file deleter DB purger clients
Project directory hierarchy apps/application files bin/daemon programs cgi-bin/BOINC scheduler and upload GCI config.xmlconfiguration file download/downloadable files html/web site; master URL points here keys/keys for code signing, upload auth log_(hostname)daemon log files project.xmllist of platforms and apps upload/uploaded files
BOINC database platform app app_version user host workunit result...
Creating a project make_project name creates directory hierarchy DB mods for httpd.conf crontab entry
Project configuration and control config.xml scheduling and other options list of daemons list of periodic tasks project control bin/start: start daemons, enable scheduler bin/stop: stop daemons, disable scheduler bin/status
Scaling a BOINC server Components can run on different machines sharing a file system Each component can be distributed MySQL server is typically the bottleneck 1 server machine can issue ~100K jobs/day; 4 machines can issue > 1 million
Part 5: Deploying applications
Adding an application edit project.xml run bin/xadd multi_thread Test multi-thread apps
Adding an application version Create application version directory Sign files on offline computer run bin/update_versions apps/ uppercase/ uppercase_6.14_windows_intelx86__cuda.exe/ uppercase_6.14_windows_intelx86__cuda.exe graphics_app=uppercase_graphics_6.14_windows_intelx86.exe logo.jpg Helvetica.txf
Part 6: Submitting jobs
Describing job inputs Input template file 0 0 in 1 -cpu_time
Describing job outputs Output template file out
Submitting a job Stage input files Submit job create_work –appname A –wu_name B –wu_template C –result_template D cp test_files/12ja04aa `bin/dir_hier_path 12ja04aa`
Part 7: Organizational issues
Single-scientist projects Need to: Port apps Get publicity interface with public maintain servers Not many research groups have the resources And it creates a lot of competing “brands”
Umbrella projects Example: IBM World Community Grid Project publicity web development sysadmin app porting
The model A university has – scientists – a powerful “brand” – PR resources – IT infrastructure – lots of alumni (UCB: 500,000)
Hubs nanoHUB: “science portal” for nanoscience – social network + “app store” – sharing of ideas, data, software – computational portal HUBzero: generalization to other areas – currently ~20 hubs Integration of BOINC with HUBzero – each hub has a volunteer computing project