Achieving Customer- Focused Service Achieving Customer- Focused Service
After completing this course, you will be able to: Consider each interaction from the other person’s point of view Build rapport and trust by relating to the person in “their language” Discover ways to resolve problems and deal with emotionally charged interactions Learning Objectives
After completing this course, you will be able to: Apply effective service strategies in a myriad of real- life scenarios Be able to implement key actions to enhance your service delivery Learning Objectives
1.To enhance external and service delivery 2. To fine tune client interactions and improve communication skills Purpose:
Surveys 8 people responded 2 30 minute phone conversations Mystery Calling
What is your biggest challenge in providing customer service? Not taking blame personally When information isn’t available to do: System errors Lack of information Phone problems Computer problems
What is your biggest challenge in providing customer service? Making sure the customer is leaving the conversation understanding what was discussed and not having them feel overwhelmed because I provided them a wealth of information Taxpayers call and ask a question, when we proceed to explain to them what they need to do they think we are lying to them
What is your biggest challenge in providing customer service? Dealing with customers that do not want to listen The educational aspect of our customers in obtaining/registering a business Maintaining patience with callers who don’t listen or argue Since we are front line to tax payers, a lot of times we get questions that we can’t answer and don’t have the authority to give the callers what they want
What is your biggest challenge in providing customer service? The amount of calls we get every day Since our number is all over – we are asked to provide service on a huge range of tax questions People who call don’t know technology or the system It is hard to keep up with the latest tax laws
What is the #1 thing you would like to make sure we cover in this training? Accusatory callers – (You people are a bunch of crooks! YOU set up the system so that we HAVE to pay penalities every single time! You WANT US TO FAIL!)
What is the #1 thing you would like to make sure we cover in this training? ESD & LNI Training Test accounts with different situations of things that could happen To touch base on everyone’s questions/concerns Don’t know
What is the #1 thing you would like to make sure we cover in this training? Keeping your cool with angry customers When customers want to argue Taking control of the call What are ways that we can “give them the pickle”
Service and the DOR Brand
“A brand is a vibrant picture that exists in consumer’s minds.” -Branded Customer Service by Janelle Barlow and Paul Stewart
“When service is branded and combined with a solid product/service offering, you have a winning combination that will reduce the impact of your competitors.” -Branded Customer Service by Janelle Barlow and Paul Stewart
When a customer experiences service that reinforces the DOR brand, they become loyal customers.
Loyal customers: Refer their friends Devote time to giving feedback Anticipate good service Forgive mistakes
The foundation for Customer Loyalty is “make it easy for me to do business with you!”
Who are your customers?
From the customer’s point of view… 1.They are buying our “whole experience” 2.They are looking to see who adds the “most value” 3.They are looking for exceptional, consistent service Adapted From The Wow Factory- Creating a Customer Focus Revolution in your Business by Paul Levesque
Research shows that most customers buy with their emotion and justify with their logic.
What your Customer is looking for… Can I rely on you? Can I trust that your work will be done on time and within budget? Do you take pride in your work?
What your Client is looking for… Am I recognized as an individual? Am I important?
Make it a goal to apply these service dimensions in every client interaction
Task and “Human” Needs TaskHuman A given What can separate your business from the competition
We tend to “give out” what we desire - instead of what the customer is looking for
Begin and end each interaction on the human level
S = Specific T = Timely A = Attentively listen R = Relational T = Trust-building Communication Strategies
PPT 4-2 PPT 4-3 PPT 4-4 Thoughtful Steadiness Accepting Influence Accepting Steadiness Active Questioning Dominance PPT 4-7 Influence Active Dominance Questioning Conscientiousness Direct, results-oriented Expressive, Relationship Supportive, CooperativeAnalytical, Deliberative
You achieve customer satisfaction, retention, loyalty by exceeding what customers anticipate in positive ways. -50 Powerful Ideas You Can Use to Keep Your Customers, Paul R. Timm, Ph.D.
General Principles Remember START (Communication Strategies) Ask questions Paraphrase to make sure you understand See if you can identify interests (and common interests you both share) Stay calm Don’t take it personally
Overcoming the Barriers
Action Steps
Achieving Customer- Focused Service Achieving Customer- Focused Service