Behavioral Health: Can Primary Care Help Meet the Growing Need? Deanna Okrent Alliance for Health Reform May 4, 2012
Background Current need in U. S. Is the need being met? How is behavioral health care financed? Policy questions
Who needs behavioral health services? Current need Nearly half of all Americans will develop a mental illness in their lifetime 27% of Americans will have a substance use disorder in their lifetimes In 2009, mental health conditions were the fourth most common reason for hospital admission among children In 2007, nearly 1/3 of adults and 1/5 of children had a behavioral health problem Dually-eligible beneficiaries report the highest rates of mental illness 50% among disabled beneficiaries 20% among aged beneficiaries
Is the need being met? Behavioral health services have increased, but 60% of adults with a mental health disorder do not receive treatment In 2011, 17 % of adults had co-morbid mental health and medical conditions 70% of children who need services do not receive treatment The average time between onset and treatment of mental illness in children is nine years
Mental Health Financing Medicaid is the largest single source of payment Covers over 25% of all expenditures Covers a broad range of benefits Medicare covers 7% More limited range of benefits Other public funds – state and local Private insurance Covers high % of population but less than 25% of expenditures
Policy Questions Integrating behavioral and physical health – do current models hold promise? Are there enough providers now? For 2014 and later? What is needed to help primary care fill the gap? Can states meet the budgetary challenge in Medicaid programs? How are CMS, HRSA, and SAMHSA supporting innovations as provided for in the health reform law? Is parity being implemented per the Mental Health Parity and Addictions Equity Act? Institutional care vs home health/outpatient care– what will the future hold?