0 Higher Education Payroll Processing & Reporting Jan 2016 Q & A SESSION AUGUST 19, 2015
Session Overview FEIN change – how this affects business processes OpenBooks Payroll File layout, example, submission Accounts Payable Direct Deposit Extract File layout, example, submission for load OST Banking system Maintaining, adding, deleting employee data Federal Tax Payment Processing ACES system entry General Ledger system entry Processing after entries completed 1
FEIN Change and Business Processes Vendors Check stock 1099 processing Tax exemption Business Registration OMES OST IRS TIN Matching IRS FIRE System SSA 2
3 OpenBooks – Payroll File Layout
4 OpenBooks – Payroll Example
5 OpenBooks – Payroll File Load OK Custom Reports/Processes > Agency Processes > Legacy Alpha List (0235)
6 OpenBooks – Accounts Payable
7 OpenBooks Questions???
8 Direct Deposit Extract- File Layout Field #StartLengthData TypeFieldDescription 114NumCorporation NumberRight-justified with zeros on the left. This value is assigned to each agency by OST. For HiEd payroll - always '0007' 254NumApplication NumberRight-justified with zeros on the left. Value is assigned to each agency by OST. For HiEd payroll - always '0010' 393CharClass CodeAlways three-characters long. For HiEd payroll - use the agency's 3-digit Agency Number (with leading zeros if needed.) 41215CharParticipant IdLeft-justified with spaces on the right, no leading zeros for numeric values, use UPPER case for letters. For HiEd payroll - use the agency's unique employee identifier for this particular employee CharParticipant NameLeft-justified with spaces on the right, use UPPER case letters. For HiEd payroll - name of employee being paid. 6498DateTransaction Begin DateYYYYMMDD For HiEd payroll - use beginning effective date of direct deposit. 7578DateTransaction End DateYYYYMMDD For HiEd payroll - If stopped, use the date when the direct deposit stopped. If still active, use Jan 1, 2050 (e.g ) 8652NumParticipant Stop CyclesValid Values: 00 - Active 99 - Stopped For HiEd payroll - set to active or stopped as identified in the State's HCM payroll system.
9 Direct Deposit Extract- File Layout Field #StartLengthData TypeFieldDescription 9672CharParticipant Stop ReasonValid Values: Spaces - Active PR - participant requested the stop AR - agency requested the stop EX - the end date expired For HiEd payroll - If stopped, use "AR"'. If still active, use spaces NumBank Routing NumberRight-justified with zeros on the left CharBank Account NumberLeft-justified with spaces on the right. Do not drop leading zeros, if any CharSavings Check FlagValid Values: C - Checking S - Savings G - General Ledger L - Loan For HiEd payroll - only Checking & Savings are valid CharDebit Credit FlagValid Values: D - Debit C - Credit For HiEd payroll - always Credit NumAmountAutomatic debit amount 0(9)V99 (11 digits, no commas, no decimal point) For HiEd payroll - always CharFillerNot used. Always fill with spaces.
10 Direct Deposit Extract- File
11 Direct Deposit Extract – Example File
12 Direct Deposit Extract Questions???
13 Banking Maintenance - OST
14 Banking Maintenance -OST
15 Banking Maintenance -OST
16 OST Access Forms
17 Questions??? OST Banking Data
18 Federal Tax Payment Processing
19 Federal Tax Payment Processing
20 Federal Tax Payment Processing
21 Federal Tax Payment Processing PS General Ledger Entry In balance Saved notification agency number journal ID screen shot of the ACES payment screen address: TBD and published later
22 Federal Tax Payment Processing OMES review: Proper accounts, class, fund, department, program code, & bud ref Matches dollar amount on ACES payment screen shot Posted and Released to OST? Yes: if all info is correct and $ amounts agree No: if anything is not correct, agency will be notified OST Processing By 10:45 am daily notified of agencies & amounts posted in GL Verify ACES entry amounts match the notification to release payment
23 Federal Tax Payment Processing
24 Federal Tax Payment Processing Journal Entry Training – date, time, location – TBD projecting early November
25 Federal Tax Payment Processing Questions???
26 FEIN Change and Business Processes Governmental information letter: State-&-Local-Governments/Governmental- Information-Letter State-&-Local-Governments/Governmental- Information-Letter Oklahoma Tax Commission Offices (800) Oklahoma City (405) Tulsa (918) IRS TIN Matching: Professionals/e-services---Online-Tools-for-Tax- Professionalshttp:// Professionals/e-services---Online-Tools-for-Tax- Professionals Social Security Business Services Online: IRS FIRE System:
Closing 27 MES/subscriber/new?preferences=true MES/subscriber/new?preferences=true s_Application_Services_Essentials/Financials/Fina ncials_News.html s_Application_Services_Essentials/Financials/Fina ncials_News.html Questions : OR Next Session, September 3 rd : 1.T- Accounts example for PFT, Journal, Voucher postings 2.Interactive – open forum