Top Ten Best Careers for College Students 1. Software Engineer 1. Software Engineer 5. Computer Systems Analyst 5. Computer Systems 1. 1Network Systems and Data Communications Analyst. 1. 1Network Systems and Data Communications Analyst. 5. Computer Systems Analyst 5. Computer Systems Analyst 10. Computer Support Specialist 10. Computer Support Specialist
Course Objective: Programming is an instructional course that focuses on specialization in programming in Java. Programming is an instructional course that focuses on specialization in programming in Java.
OBJECTIVE The emphasis will be placed on the following: The emphasis will be placed on the following: Using efficient and appropriate software to organize optimal programming. Using efficient and appropriate software to organize optimal programming. Determine possible job opportunities. Determine possible job opportunities. Identify and understand societal issues relating to information technologies Identify and understand societal issues relating to information technologies
Requirements/Responsibilities Each student will be issued a password. Do Not Share with anyone. Each student will be issued a password. Do Not Share with anyone. Students are responsible for keeping passwords secure. Students are responsible for keeping passwords secure. WHY? WHY?
Requirements/Responsibilites Students will be monitored on their INTERNET use through our school, the district office, and SEDC. No student will be permitted to use any Internet feature, which has not been discussed, and/or assigned in class, I.e chat room’s, games, etc. No student will be given access to the INTERNET without having first completed the Acceptable Use Policy of the Iron County School District. No student will be given access to the INTERNET without having first completed the Acceptable Use Policy of the Iron County School District.
Requirements/Responsibilities Students will be given an e- mail account. Students will be given an e- mail account. Must follow guidelines. Must follow guidelines. Only to be used when all other work is completed. Only to be used when all other work is completed. No profane or vulgar messages are allowed either by you sending them or you receiving them from others. No profane or vulgar messages are allowed either by you sending them or you receiving them from others. Each student is expected to contribute to a quiet and productive classroom atmosphere, to respect the property of others, to participate in and listen to class discussions conducted by the instructor, to turn in assigned work and tests on time, and to show cooperation and understanding in working with his/her fellow students and the instructor.
Requirements/Responsibilities Each student is expected to bring with him/her all materials necessary for class participation. Please pen/pencil to class daily. Each student is expected to bring with him/her all materials necessary for class participation. Please pen/pencil to class daily. Each student is required to be working on the assigned tasks during the class period. Should a student be absent, the work must be handed in within TWO WEEKS of the time given. Late work will NOT be accepted for the whole term the last week of the term.
Expectations Make every effort to provide students with worthwhile and interesting learning experiences designed to develop skills in utilizing the Internet. Make every effort to provide students with worthwhile and interesting learning experiences designed to develop skills in utilizing the Internet. Grade reports each week. Grade reports each week.
Grading Assignments 60%: Graded on point system. Mastery learning enforced. You fix it until it is correct. Assignments 60%: Graded on point system. Mastery learning enforced. You fix it until it is correct. Bellwork 20 %: Daily quizzes to be given when the bell rings. Tests given at the completion of all units. Bellwork 20 %: Daily quizzes to be given when the bell rings. Tests given at the completion of all units. Tests 20%: Tests will be given on vocabulary and basic Internet concepts. Tests 20%: Tests will be given on vocabulary and basic Internet concepts.
Grading Internet Tracking Sheets: These will be used intermittently as a “spot check” recording sites visited in a selected class period. Internet Tracking Sheets: These will be used intermittently as a “spot check” recording sites visited in a selected class period. Extra Credit: Extra Credit can be earned each term by compiling ten newspaper articles and five magazine articles dealing with the Internet. Extra Credit: Extra Credit can be earned each term by compiling ten newspaper articles and five magazine articles dealing with the Internet. Fines: You destroy anything you pay for it. Fines: You destroy anything you pay for it.
Software Jcreator Jcreator Explorer Explorer Microsoft Word Microsoft Word Microsoft Powerpoint Microsoft Powerpoint
The Internet “RULES” Games Games Chatrooms Chatrooms Mindless Surfing Mindless Surfing
Rules of the Road Access to any Cedar High School computer system is a privilege Access to any Cedar High School computer system is a privilege All Students must abide by the Iron County School District Acceptable Use Policy regarding computer use All Students must abide by the Iron County School District Acceptable Use Policy regarding computer use
Rule Number One Any violation of school policy or public law is prohibited. This includes accessing or transmitting the immoral, obscene, pornographic, or otherwise inappropriate images or information.
Rule Number Two No vandalism is permitted. This includes vandalism to both computers as well as other people’s files.
Rule Number Three Any attempt to bypass state, district or school security is forbidden. This includes trying to bypass proxies.
Log Off or Exit When Finished Generally, it is a good idea to exit any application prior to leaving your work area.
Rule Number Four When something inappropriate comes up on your screen, immediately tell your teacher.
Rule Number Five All computers, networks and other equipment is property of the school district. Users should have no expectation of privacy. All the data that you create or share on the school’s computer is not private.
Rule Six Keep account information secure Secure Passwords. Secure Passwords. Allowing others use of account. Allowing others use of account.
Rule Seven Non-School related computer use should be kept to a minimum. Personal internet use during school time. Personal internet use during school time. Commercial use should be avoided. Commercial use should be avoided.
Follow Eight Simple Rules Following these rules will help you get the most from your computer and the Internet. Not following these rules will revoke your computer and/or Internet privileges.
Consequences With Internet If you are on the internet at an inappropriate time the consequences will be as follows 1 st Offense – Warning 2nd Offense – Internet privileges taken for one week. 3rd Offense – Internet privileges taken for the rest of the term. (Be Aware: This will affect you in other classes.) I’m officer Technoweenie. I’ll be watching your computer screeny.
HAVE A GREAT YEAR Good luck and have fun on the web.
HOMEWORK Take Home Course Disclosure and Have Signed. Take Home Course Disclosure and Have Signed. Bring student ID with Internet Sticker for pass off. Cannot use Internet until I see it. Bring student ID with Internet Sticker for pass off. Cannot use Internet until I see it. BRING BACK NEXT CLASS PERIOD!!! BRING BACK NEXT CLASS PERIOD!!!
Let’s get going!!