7 th Grade Assignments T2Week 8
7 th Grade Independent Study Assignments T2Week 8 Due February 2nd Name________ __ Total Work Completed: _______% Help: om (1-3) *No Messages Please Physical Education Assignments: ______P.E. Log (320 Minutes) ______PE Options Signed 5 PE Credits Due March 1st Grade__________ TW____________%
Math PPT….CD Lesson 2-7Ch. 2-8 PPT
Math Objectives: Students will… -be able to find a number when the percent is known -find percent of increase or decrease -find commission, sales tax and profit Assignments: ________Go.hrw.com for 6-4, 6-5, 6-6 Parent Signature______________ __________Chapter 6 Lesson 4 Questions Pg all __________Chapter 6 Lesson 5 Pg (1-25) __________Chapter 6 Lesson 6 Pg. 300 only __________Homework and Practice Workbook 6-4, 6-5, 6-6 _______Sales Ad Questions Study for quiz over 6-1 to 6-4 Grade_________ TW___________%
7 th Grade Language Arts Objectives: Students will…. know purposes and characteristics of different forms of prose Be able to produce synonyms of words with different shades of meaning Write a Persuasive Essay
Persuasive Writing-Pg. 478 Planner
Chapter 5-Forms of Prose Pg. Bubble Map
Names…Nombre PPT Good Luck Test Today
Into (Strategic Students) ____Fluency Builder Activities (3 per week administered by parent) ____Interactive Reader for this week’s stories Through (All Students) ____Read “ Forms of Prose” Pg Do Bubble Map…Questions 1-3 Pg. 501 on back ____Read “Analyze Prose” Pg Do Questions 1-4 Pg. 503 ____Read “Mason Dixon Memory” Pg Do Focus Questions E, G, H, and I ____Reader Writer Notebook for Mason ____Read Pg List all Vocab words… write 2 synonyms for each ____Grammar Link Pg. 567 ____Write rough draft of Persuasive Essay (Extended School Day) Study for Unforgettable Journey Test ▫Grade______ TW__________
Objectives: Students will… -understand how selective breeding can change the offspring of parents -understand the difference between selective breeding and genetic modification -understand how animals in the wild evolve to survive in their environment
Selective Breeding VS. Genetic Modification Selective BreedingGMO Dog Breeders Inmans www.
Evolutionary Theory….It doesn’t have to mean we came from apes! How/why do you think these birds changed over time?
Flower Reproduction Worksheet
Life Science Assignments: Into/Through _____Read Ch. 11 Lesson 1. Do Cornell Notes. _____Questions Pg. 221 _____Worksheet 11-1 (Darwin) _____ Selective Breeding Packet _____Selective Breeding/Genetic Engineering Double Bubble Grade__________ TW___________% Beyond: Chapter 9 Project Pg.188.
HOUSEKEEPING Stamp Check Work Progress Reports Benchmark Tests! ▫Woo hoo Jamie, Sam, Cole! Fringies See Me’s Attendance Thanks! ▫N, J
Objectives: Student will… -Describe Europe’s geography -identify changes in Europe after the fall of the Western Roman Empire -analyze the cause of feudalism and its structure -Describe the way of life on medieval manors -explain the knights code
Chapter 9…Medieval Times Pg. 287
European Geography Pg. 286
Medieval Europe video
Confucius/Tao/Buddha Project Scrolls Including: Title in Caligraphy (5) Heading/Standard (5) Picture of founder(5) Biography Essay (25) 5 Principals (10) Symbol (10) Country of Origination (5) Map Showing Spread of Religion (10) Timeline showing Spread (10) Effect Essay (25) Neatness (10) TOTAL……………………120 Pts.
World History Assignments: Into/Through _____ Read Chapter 9 Lesson 1. Take Cornell Notes. _____Do 9-1 Questions Pg. 297 _____Read Chapter 9 Lesson 2. Take Cornell Notes. _____Do 9-2 Questions Pg. 302 _____Feudalism Pyramid _____Workbook 9-1 and 9-2 _____Final Tao/Con/Buddha due by Monday Grade__________ TW___________% Beyond: -Watch a movie involving Samurai/Japan. Note from Parent.
Novel-Old Man and the Sea Finish over break
Today’s Test Benchmark Science Science Ch. 8