Wal-Mart’s Newest Market Source: Accessed 11/10/09.
WHY INDIA? India's restrictive commercial laws prohibited foreign companies from competing with domestic retailers India's $375 billion retail market is dominated by mom-and-pop businesses and outmoded distribution networks The time is right and the time is now!
A New Opportunity "It's so relaxing and bright in here. It's like a really enjoyable day trip," said a young housewife as she slowly pushed a giant wagon through the air- conditioned superstore. Our first efforts have convinced the Indian government we can bring jobs and income to their economy.
A Country of Consumers India's middle and upper classes, particularly those in "joint," or extended, families, could benefit from the bulk products that we sell. more than 90 percent of our shelves are stocked with Indians' favorite products, as well as household names such as Amul, a butter and dairy brand.
Wal-Mart’s Advantages With India's economy slowing and with losses piling up domestic retailers have shut some outlets and laid off employees Part of their problem is difficulties in keeping large chains supplied with goods. With many Wal-Mart products manufactured in India, we will be there with ready suppliers and our suppliers have a vested interest in our succeeding.
EVEN THOSE WHO CAN’T COME TO BEST PRICE ARE EXCITED BY OUR FIRM Mr. Singh, 18 years old, sells cookies, chewing tobacco and soft drinks from a wooden cart across the street from the construction site of Wal-Mart's first Indian store HIS RESPONSE? "I've never seen a store so big, never even heard of Wal-Mart," he said. "I hope it will bring those high-society people here.” Mr. Singh is among India’s poorest citizens, but he has already seen an increase in his business from the employees and customers during construction and since Best Price opened. The general population seems excited by the potential of an increase in jobs and opportunities in their communities.
Will it ever be just like a Wal-Mart in the United States? No, we need to adapt to each country. India is not like the U.S. Sharanjit Singh Dhillon, said Wal-mart and other Indian-run box stores like it will have a big impact on India. But they will never change the country in the same way that it..,[has] transformed America… “Most Indians have tiny kitchens, shop nearly every day for fresh food, and get home delivery and even interest-free credit from their neighborhood shopkeeper.”
SOURCES Bellman, Eric. Wall Street Journal. “Wal-Mart Exports Big-Box Concept to India”. /SB html. May Accessed 11/10/09. /SB html Bhushan, Ratna and Sanjeev Choudhary. Business Week. “Wal-Mart's New India Push”. /content/nov2009/gb _ htm. 11/06/09, accessed 11/10/09. /content/nov2009/gb _ htm Bradford Museum and Galleries. Accessed 11/12/09, Lakshman, Nandini. TIME. “Why Wal-Mart's First India Store Isn't a Wal- Mart”. May 15, 2009, accessed 11/10/09.) Lonely Planet. Accessed 11/10/09. Wax, Emily. The Washington Post. “India's First Wal-Mart Draws Excitement, Not Protest”. 7/13/09. Accessed 11/10/09.