The Introduction of PCI Bus Reference: 1.Specification Industrial PCI Bus V1.52, SIPS(Standard Industrial Pc Systems) Oct. 1998 2.PC/104-ISA to PCI, Marc.


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Presentation transcript:

The Introduction of PCI Bus Reference: 1.Specification Industrial PCI Bus V1.52, SIPS(Standard Industrial Pc Systems) Oct PC/104-ISA to PCI, Marc F. Brown,Adastra systems Corp.-Wescon/98, URL: 元智大學 系統實驗室 楊登傑

Outline 簡介 Cost-Effective Technology PCI 的優點 PCI Power Supply PC Bus Comparison Evolving to Meet Industry Needs 結論

簡介 In 1992,the Peripheral Component Interconnect(PCI) bus was released. Introduced by Intel as an open architecture,it quickly became the standard for high-speed buses in the PC markets. PCI standards addressing the usage of one of two high speed buses,either a 32-bits or a 64-bits,operating at bus speeds of up to 33MHz,or 66MHz respectively. A PCI normally operates in a master mode(initiator in PCI terminology) and slave mode(target in PCI terminology).

Cost-Effective Technology PCI’s standardized components and silicon have enabled huge economies of scale that make PCI products easy and inexpensive to develop. As a result,PCI has become the universal connection standard,and has given PCs an affordable graphics capability that was unachievable with previous bus technologies.

PCI 的優點 Each PCI device can identify itself uniquely to the host system,and its resources can be unambiguously configured without the use of jumpers. Lower power consumption with high electrical integrity. Full bus master support for peer-to-peer bus access. Bursting all read and write transfers give 132MB/sec(33MHz X 32 bits)throughput. 66MHz and 64-bit addressing could drive 528MB/sec through the bus.

PCI 的優點 (count.) The hidden bus arbitration reduces latency,increasing bus efficiency(e.g. bus master component requesting the bus while another is transferring data.) PCI bridge allows disciplined transfer of data between computer buses of different protocols and bandwidth.

PCI Power Supply

PC Bus Comparison

Evolving to Meet Industry Needs Recent enhancement to PCI version 2.2 include: PCI Hot-Plug: Enables removal or replacement of adapter cards without having to shut down the main system,so the PCI cards are Hot-Plug capable without modification. PCI Power Management: The power manages by o.s. PCI Power Management enables energy conservation in PCs,efficient mobile computing,and higher-availability PCs for off- hours tasks such as receiving faxes or Internet transmissions.

結語與未來工作 由 PCI standard 得知 :PCI 的 Bus 速度可達 132Mbytes/sec for a 33MHz 32-bits bus 和 528Mbytes/sec for a 66MHz 64-bits bus ,所 以可以將它提供 High Speed I/O system 作為 輸出入界面。 未來將尋找相關 PCI bus in high speed I/O systems Applications 和 PCI for multimedia applications 上的相關應用,作為研究方向。