PGR Forum Work package 6: Product exploitation and dissemination Progress report Presented by Shelagh Kell PGR Forum Workshop 2: Threat and conservation assessment April 2005 Korsør, Denmark WP6 Joint Coordinators: University of Birmingham and IPGRI
PGR Forum - EVK Fifth Framework Programme for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development PGR Forum: primary objectives Create a Crop Wild Relative Information System (CWRIS) providing access to crop wild relative data Develop methodologies and practical guidelines for the in situ conservation of crop wild relatives (in situ data management, threat and conservation assessment, genetic reserve location and management, population monitoring, and genetic erosion and pollution assessment) Communicate results to stakeholders, policy makers and user groups as a means of aiding the efficient and effective conservation and use of crop wild relative diversity
PGR Forum - EVK Fifth Framework Programme for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Work package 6: primary objectives Dissemination and exploitation of the products generated by the project Organisation of the final conference
PGR Forum - EVK Fifth Framework Programme for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Work package 6: Deliverables Web site ( Web-enabled CWR database Database on CD (plus printed version) Publication of dissemination conference proceedings (CAB International) (Commercial publication included with Conference registration) Newsletter x 5
PGR Forum - EVK Fifth Framework Programme for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Work package 6: Other publications Workshop reports Peer-reviewed journal articles Other news items and articles Posters Joint PGR Forum / ECP/GR publications for Work packages 4 and 5
PGR Forum - EVK Fifth Framework Programme for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development First International Conference on Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use Wednesday 14 th – Saturday 17 th September 2005 Dioscuri Bay Hotel, Agrigento, Sicily
PGR Forum - EVK Fifth Framework Programme for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development First International Conference on Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use Promote the importance of wild plant species of socio-economic value to the international community Review the establishment of CWR inventories and establish a baseline for their conservation assessment Assess procedures for establishing conservation priorities for CWR Review the current status of information access and management for CWR Evaluate methodologies for in situ and ex situ CWR conservation Explore ways of strengthening CWR conservation and use through international and inter-agency collaboration Disseminate PGR Forum products to the European and global PGR community, and discuss their wider application and continued use Objectives:
PGR Forum - EVK Fifth Framework Programme for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development First International Conference on Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use Co-organised by The University of Birmingham (UK), the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (Italy) and the Istituto Sperimentale per la Frutticoltura di Roma (Italy), with additional local support from the University of Palermo and the Agricultural Extension Service of the Regional Administration of Agrigento. In addition to PGR Forum funds (European Community), the Conference is supported by a generous donation from the Agricultural Development Service, Regional Government of Sicily. The ECP/GR In situ Genetic Reserve Task Force will fund the participation of 15 delegates. Organisation and funding:
PGR Forum - EVK Fifth Framework Programme for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development First International Conference on Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use CWR conservation and use: an overview Prioritising CWR and establishing inventories CWR threat assessment Genetic erosion and genetic pollution of CWR In situ management and monitoring for CWR Ex situ conservation of CWR CWR information management CWR as gene donors for crop improvement Use of CWR and under-utilised species Plenary discussion session: Global Strategy for CWR Conservation and Use Sessions:
PGR Forum - EVK Fifth Framework Programme for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development First International Conference on Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use Participation and contributions are sought from both European and non- European countries to ensure the international scope of this first CWR Conference Target audiences include the PGR community, conservation managers, plant breeders, policy-makers, information managers, researchers and other interested individuals. 94 abstract submissions 33 registrations Participation:
PGR Forum - EVK Fifth Framework Programme for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development
PGR Forum - EVK Fifth Framework Programme for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development
PGR Forum - EVK Fifth Framework Programme for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development
PGR Forum - EVK Fifth Framework Programme for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development
PGR Forum - EVK Fifth Framework Programme for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development
PGR Forum Work package 6: Product exploitation and dissemination Thank you! Any questions?