P. Castorina Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia Università di Catania-Italy 17-21 November 2014 Bielefeld CPOD 2014 Hadron Freeze-Out and Unruh Radiation.


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Presentation transcript:

P. Castorina Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia Università di Catania-Italy November 2014 Bielefeld CPOD 2014 Hadron Freeze-Out and Unruh Radiation

Thermal hadron production: (open) questions Event horizon and thermal spectrum Unruh effect Color event horizon and hadronization Answering a là Unruh to the open questions Conclusions

Becattini (2006)

WHY ? Freeze-out s/T^3 = 7

A. Bazazov et al. (HotQCD Collaboration), arXiv:

Freeze-out E/N = 1.08 Gev WHY ?

Questions 1) Why do elementary high energy collisions show a statistical behavior? 2) Why is strangeness production universally suppressed in elementary collisions? 3) Why (almost) no strangeness suppression in nuclear collisions? 4) Why hadron freeze-out for s/T^3 = 7 or E/N=1.08 Gev Is there another non-kinetic mechanism providing a common origin of the statistical features?

Conjecture Physical vacuumEvent horizon for colored constituents Thermal hadron production Hawking-Unruh radiation in QCD P.C., D.Kharzeev and H.Satz -- D.Kharzeev and Y.Tuchin ( temperature) F.Becattini, P.C., J.Manninen and H.Satz (strangeness suppression in e+e-) P.C. and H.Satz (strangeness enhancement in heavy ion collisions) P.C., A. Iorio and H.Satz ( entropy and freeze-out) arXiv: Adv.High Energy Phys (2014) Eur.Phys.J. C56 (2008) Eur.Phys.J. C52 (2007) Nucl. Phys. A 753, 316 (2005)


M. K. Parikh and F. Wilczek, “Hawking radiation as tunneling,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 (2000) 5042

arXiv: The Unruh effect and its applications Luis C. B. CrispinoLuis C. B. Crispino, Atsushi Higuchi, George E. A. MatsaAtsushi HiguchiGeorge E. A. Matsa Rindler observer

QFT - Unruh (elementary)

G R. ParentaniR. Parentani, S. Massar. Phys.Rev. D55 (1997) S. Massar THE SCHWINGER MECHANISM, THE UNRUH EFFECT AND THE PRODUCTION OF ACCELERATED BLACK HOLES Applications (elementary implementation) R. Brout, R. Parentani, and Ph. Spindel, “Thermal properties of pairs produced by an electric field: A tunneling approach,” Nucl. Phys. B 353 (1991) 209.

Verlinde entropic formulation of Newton law Comment !

Universal thermal behavior Event Horizon Uniform acceleration In QCD ? Confinement

QCD - Uniform acceleration


Full analysis F.Becattini, P.C., J.Manninen and H.Satz (strangeness suppression in e+e-) Eur.Phys.J. C56 (2008)

F.Becattini, P.C., J.Manninen and H.Satz (strangeness suppression in e+e-)

String breaking and E/N = 1.08 Gev

Bekenstein-Hawking black-hole entropy ( scale of quantum gravity fluctuactions)

1) Valid for a Rindler horizon ( constant acceleration)? 2) What is the scale r? r is the typical (short) scale of quantum fluctuaction Lambiase, Iorio, Vitiello Annals of Physics 309 (2004) 151 M.Srednicki PRL 71(1993)666 H.Terashima PRD 61(2000) QFT L. Bombelli, R. K. Koul, J. H. Lee and R. D. Sorkin, Phys. Rev. D 34, 373 (1986).

String breaking and

physical meaning : entanglement Preliminary 1 – work in progress P.C., A. Iorio and H.Satz

an interesting example Chirco et al. PRD 90,044044,2014

BUT and therefore

Unruh and Minkowsky Exactly as in the previous example


Ted JacobsonTed Jacobson, Renaud Parentani, Horizon Entropy in Found.Phys. 33 (2003) Renaud Parentani Statistical mechanics of causal horizon

The deep meaning of the result based on ( at least for ) is that the entanglement entropy density per unit horizon area is finite and universal.. In QFT M.Srednicki PRL 71(1993)666 H.Terashima PRD 61(2000) QFT Lambiase, Iorio, Vitiello, Annals of Physics 309 (2004) 151

A possible understanding of the phenomenological result is that it corresponds to the entanglement entropy through the color confinement horizon due to the string tension. Entanglement hadronization Problem of species? Entanglement explicit calculation Preliminary – work in progress P.C., A. Iorio and H.Satz

P.C. and H.Satz arXiv: arXiv: Hawking-Unruh Hadronization and Strangeness Production in High Energy Collisions (a first preliminary step) heavy ions


The Wrobleski factor increases from 0.25 in elementary collisions to 0.36 in the toy (pions and kaons) model.

Horizon: One directional membrane through which nothing can leak (classically) Near the event horizon theory becomes two dimensional with its metric identified with the (r-t) section of the original metric. Ingoing (say left moving) modes lost inside the horizon; They cannot contribute to the near horizon theory, hence chiral. Unruh and chiral symmetry restoration Preliminary 2 – work in progress

String breaking E/N = 1.08 Gev String breaking

For the Unruh mechanism explains the freeze-out criteria E/N = 1.08 Gev and suggests a physical motivation for s/T^3 = 7 Fundamental Physics ! BH

But there is more statistical/entanglement ? Hawking-Unruh radiation in a lab! Competitors: Gravity analogue Lasers - Unruh, Schutzhold,… Hawking-Unruh effect in Graphene - Lambiase-Iorio, PLB716,2012,334 and arxive In string breaking C. Barcelo, S. Liberati, and M. Visser, Living Rev. Rel.

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