CAARI 2008 August 10-15, 2008, Fort Worth, Texas, USA STAR Vertex Detector Upgrade – HFT PIXEL Development Outline: Heavy Flavor Tracker at STAR PIXEL.


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Presentation transcript:

CAARI 2008 August 10-15, 2008, Fort Worth, Texas, USA STAR Vertex Detector Upgrade – HFT PIXEL Development Outline: Heavy Flavor Tracker at STAR PIXEL detector as part of HFT PIXEL detector requirements Low mass detector design Sensor development for PIXEL Readout system development Prototyping results and outlook Michal Szelezniak on behalf of LBNL RNC group

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, STAR RHIC PHENIX PHOBOS BRAHMS ~100 µm Extend the physics reach of the STAR experiment for precision measurement of the yields and spectra of particles containing heavy quarks: – Study charm and beauty energy losses to test pQCD in a hot and dense medium at RHIC – Charm flow to test thermalization at RHIC – Direct reconstruction of charm decays with small c τ, including D 0 and Λc + Method: Heavy Flavor STAR Resolve displaced vertices (>60 µm) RHIC – Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider STAR – Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, HFT and PIXEL detector TPC points at the SSD ~ 1 mm SSD points at the IST ~ 300 µm IST points at the PIXEL ~ 250 µm PIXEL points at the vertex <30 µm PIXEL at 2.5 and 8 cm IST at 14 cm SSD at 23 cm Heavy Flavor Tracker (HFT)‏ SSD – Silicon Strip Detector IST – Inner Silicon Tracker

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, Two layers at 2.5 & 8 cm radii Sensor spatial resolution < 10 μm Coverage 2π in φ and |η|<1 Over 400 M pixels 0.3 % radiation length/layer Thinned silicon sensors (50 μm thickness)‏ Air cooled Power dissipation ~100 mW/cm 2 Integration time <200 μs Radiation environment at the level of up to 300 krad/year and 10×10 12 /cm 2 Neq /year Quick extraction and detector replacement Stability and insertion reproducibility within a 30 μm window PIXEL detector characteristics Very challenging mechanical and sensor design

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, Low mass detector design

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, PIXEL detector design Ladder with 10 Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) (~ 2×2 cm each) Mechanical support with kinematic mounts 2 layers Cabling and cooling infrastructure Detector extraction at one end of the cone New beryllium beam pipe (0.5 mm thickness, 2 cm radius)‏

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, Low mass structure Cable 4 layer micron thickness Aluminum Conductor Radiation Length ~ 0.1 % 40 LVDS pair signal traces One of the preliminary designs LVDS – Low-Voltage Differential Signaling

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, Air cooling MAPS 100 mW/cm2 (160 W total) + drivers 80 W The temperature of operation is still under consideration. – An optimum temperature for the detectors is around 0 deg C, but they can be operated at 34 deg C without too much noise degradation. The cooling system design is simplified if we can operate at 24 deg C, – if the cooler temperature is required the cooling system will be equipped with thermal isolation and condensation control when the system is shut down. Cooling studies show that air velocities of 8 m/s are required over the detector surfaces and a total flow rate of 200 cfpm is sufficient to maintain silicon temperatures of less than 10 deg C above the air temperature.

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, Sensor design

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors Properties: Standard commercial CMOS technology Sensor and signal processing are integrated in the same silicon wafer Signal is created in the low-doped epitaxial layer (typically ~10-15 μm) → MIP signal is limited to <1000 electrons Charge collection is mainly through thermal diffusion (~100 ns), reflective boundaries at p- well and substrate → cluster size is about ~9 pixels (20-30 μm pitch)‏ 100% fill-factor Only NMOS transistors inside the pixels MAPS technology is an attractive choice for the PIXEL detector MAPS pixel cross-section (not to scale)‏ MAPS and competitionMAPS Hybrid Pixel Sensors CCD Granularity+-+ Small material budget+-+ Readout speed+++- Radiation tolerance+++-

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien We are working in collaboration with IPHC to produce sensors that meet the requirements of the STAR PIXEL detector IPHC-DRS (former IRES/LEPSI) proposed using MAPS for high energy physics in 1999 CNRS - IPHC, Strasbourg-Cronenbourg More than 20 prototypes developed – several pixel sizes and architectures (simple 3-transistor cells, pixels with in-pixel amplifiers and CDS processing) – different readout strategies (sensors operated in current and voltage mode, analog and digital output) – Large variety of prototype sizes (from several hundreds of pixels up to 1M pixel prototype with full-reticule size)

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, Development plan Coupled nature of readout and sensor development 2011 (planned) Install final detector 2010 (planned) Install 3-module engineering prototype (based on Phase1)‏ Today First prototypes in hand and tested Pixel Sensors CDS ADC Data sparsification readout to DAQ analog signals Complementary detector readout MimoSTAR sensors 4 ms integration time Ultimate sensors < 200 μs integration time analog digital digital signals Disc. CDS Phase-1 sensors 640 μs integration time CDS – Correlated Double Sampling

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, Prototypes with analog readout Analog readout – simpler architecture but ultimately slower readout Based on tests of several different prototypes S/N>12 allows detection efficiency >99.6% MAPS show promising performance for the PIXEL detector MimoSTAR2 test results Prototypes in AMS 0.35 MimoSTAR 2 – 128 × 128 pixel (30 µm pitch)‏ MimoSTAR 3 – 320 × 640 pixel (30 µm pitch) – Half-reticle size‏

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, Prototypes with binary readout IEEE TNS, vol 53, no 6, 2006, pp IEEE TNS, vol 52, no 6, 2005, pp Prototypes Mimosa 8 and Mimosa 16 developed by IPHC and DAPNIA feature binary readout a major step towards on-chip data sparsificaiton Significantly reduces pixel-to-pixel dispersions Meets PIXEL requirements Mimosa16 test results

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, Phase-1 prototype for PIXEL Phase-1 combined with on-chip zero suppression 2 outputs per sensor On-chip zero suppression has been successfully implemented and tested at IPHC as a small size prototype The prototype zero-suppression circuitry works up to 115 MHz Pixel reduced from 30×30 µm down to 18.4×18.4 µm to improve radiation tolerance against non-ionizing radiation damage ~ 3 mm Final sensor for the PIXEL detector Full reticule sensor Architecture based on Mimosa8/16 Binary readout of all pixels (4 outputs) Integration time ~640 µs The chip is ready for production

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, Readout system design

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, HFT PIXEL Readout Functional Goals Triggered detector system fitting into existing STAR infrastructure (Trigger, DAQ, etc.) Deliver full frame events to STAR DAQ for event building at approximately the same rate as the TPC (1 KHz for DAQ1000). Reduce the total data rate of the detector to a manageable level (< TPC rate). Reliable, robust, cost effective, etc. Example for a full detector:

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, Readout path 10 parallel independent readout modules (4 ladders per module)

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, Readout system - physical layout

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, Readout system implementation choices MotherboardXilinx Virtex-5 Development Board Digital I/O LVDS Drivers Cypress USB chipset Fast SRAM Serial interface Trigger / Control input FF1760 Package 800 I/O pins 4.6 – 10.4 Mb block RAM Up to 550 MHz internal clock Individual IODELAY Optical link Commercial productOur design CERN ALICE RORC-SIU Half duplex connection Up to 1.2 Gbps Part of DAQ1000 upgrade

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, Prototyping results and outlook Prototyping of mechanical support structures is planned to begin in the next few months Full reticle 2 × 2 cm Phase-1 should be available at the end of this year – detector engineering prototype (3/10 of the complete detector) will be constructed and should allow to perform physics measurements in 2010 New prototypes with on-chip discriminators are capable of the required S/N ratio for >99% detection efficiency but with a limited safety margin Resistance to radiation damage level that can be expected in the STAR environment with the final luminosity (8 × /cm 2 /s ) is being studied The readout concept has been validated with LVDS readout test (BER < MHz and 2 m fine twisted pair cable) and the full readout system production prototypes are being developed

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, Thank you for your attention

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, Backup slides

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, Fast, column-parallel architecture CDS at column level (reduces Fixed Pattern Noise below temporal noise) V READ,CALIB VCVC V in1,2 V S_READ A 1 V off1 A 2, V off2 Developed in IPHC - DAPNIA collaboration

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, LVDS data transfer The final detector system is expected to have LVDS data transfers at the maximum rate of 160 MHz Ladder mock-up with 1-to-4 LVDS fanout buffers Mass termination board + LU monitoring Virtex-5 based RDO system with RORC link to PC Virtex-5 individual IODELAY was adjusted for each channel Buffered path 160 MHz 2.3 m cables Bit Error Rate < AWG wires 24 AWG wires

Michal Szelezniak 20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 10-15, RDO system for prototype with binary full-frame readout RDO system for the final sensor with on-chip zero suppresion