Vocab Cold War to Present Day
IMF International Monetary Fund Loans money to countries for development
Trade Deficit When a nation imports more than it exports Buys more than it sells
Human Rights Declaration A document meant to protect basic rights for all Created by the United Nations after the Holocaust (post WWII).
Urbanization The movement of people from the country to the city Industrial Revolution
Infrastructure Basic physical systems of a nation The roads, bridges, water, communications, and electronic systems
Green Revolution Using technology and science to produce more food (India) Seeds were chemically altered to be more resistant to disease and produce more
Deforestation/ Desertification The destruction of the forest (Amazon) The changing of farm land to desert (Africa)
Autonomy Desire by a people to have their own country. Self rule
Dissident Some one or a group that speaks out against their government. Example: Egyptian Revolution Cyber dissidents
IRA Irish Republican Army Fighting for Irish Independence from Britain
Arab Spring Series of Revolutions (Changes) in Middle East and N. Africa to get rid of dictators Fueled by social media
Satellite Nations Eastern Europe was forcibly controlled by the USSR Communist by force Warsaw Pact nations
Collective Security Alliance system- security of one is the security of all NATOWarsaw Pact
Interdependence Dependence on the goods, resources and knowledge from other parts of the world
First World Third World Provide manufactured goods, loans and education Source of cheap labor, raw materials and new markets
Non-Alignment Not supporting either side in a conflict Ex: During the Cold War India was nonaligned
African National Congress South African group opposed to racial segregation under Apartheid
Intifada Uprisings by Palestinians and Arabs against Israel Violent uprisings range from throwing rocks to suicide bombs
Taliban Islamic group in controls much of Afghanistan and the Middle East Sharia Extremists engage in terrorism