DILIP R. AHUJA IGIDR SILVER JUBILEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENT Mumbai, December 2, 2012 Challenges for Sustainable Energy Development in India
Sequence of Presentation 1.Introduction to the Energy Sector in India 2.The enduring nature of energy-environment conflicts in India 3.Sustainable Energy Paradigm 4.How far is the road for Renewable Energy Technologies? 5.Gingerly steps towards a solution 6.Concluding Remarks
Source: IAC Report October 2007 Knee High values of HDI are possible with many levels of per capita electricity consumption Knee
Economic EnvironmentalSocial Environmental Economics Ecology or Conservation Biology Political Economy The Sustainable Development Triangle
Economic Indicators Environmental Indicators Social Indicators The only truly sustainable energy is the energy conserved and not used—Prof. Noam Lior
Rs/kWh MW 80’s 70’s Target Technology Curve now The bar for RETs has been rising higher
Source: Technical Summary GEA 2012 Cost Trends of Selected Non-Fossil Energy Technologies versus Cumulative Deployment
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