go on holiday move house buy a car holiday home go on holiday 1
suitcase bag rucksack briefcase suitcase 2
hotel mobile home caravan hospital hotel 3
sunbathe walk swim surf sunbathe 4
beach volleyball tennis basketball netball beach volleyball 5
sand castle sand house sand palace sand tower sand castle 6
beach ball football frisbee basketball beach ball 7
swimming trunks kilt jeans trousers swimming trunks 8
swimsuit bikini top dress swimsuit 9
sailing windsurfing surfing water skiing sailing 10
snorkelling sunbathing canoeing scuba-diving snorkelling 11
swimming sailing snorkelling scuba-diving swimming 12
surfing rafting sailing windsurfing surfing 13
beach umbrella beach chair bucket and spade flip-flops beach umbrella 14
sunglasses goggles watches sunshades sunglasses 15
walk on the beach go shopping go sightseeing go on a cruise walk on the beach 16
Dedicated to my beloved son, Tom who died on 7 April 2014 at the age of