Labor Market Discrimination. Discrimination occurs when the marketplace takes into account such factors as race and sex when making economic exchanges.


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Presentation transcript:

Labor Market Discrimination

Discrimination occurs when the marketplace takes into account such factors as race and sex when making economic exchanges Men earn more than women and whites earn more than nonwhites Differences in educational attainment between whites and nonwhites would clearly generate wage differentials

Employer discrimination Employee discrimination Customer discrimination Statistical discrimination

題目:根據我國行政院主計處的統計資料顯示, 我國女性就業勞工的平均薪資大約為男性就業勞 工平均薪資的八成左右。下列那些為造成男女薪 資差異的可能原因? (A) 女性就業勞工的平均教育水準較低 (B) 雇主對女性就業勞工的歧視 (C) 女性的勞動供給量較男性為高 (D) 女性勞工的失業率較男性為高 (E) 女性就業勞工與男性就業勞工的工作性質不同

Labor Mobility

Mobility decisions are guided by comparing present value of lifetime earnings in alternative employment opportunities Probability of migration is sensitive to the income differential between the destination and origin There is a positive correlation between improved employment conditions and the probability of migration There is a negative correlation between the probability of migration and distance, where distance is taken as a proxy for migration costs There is a positive correlation between a worker ’ s educational attainment and probability of migration

Probability of Migrating across State Lines in , by Age and Educational Attainment

Family Migration The family unit will move if the net gains to the family are positive The optimal choice for a member of the family may not be optimal for the family unit (and vice versa) –Tied stayer – one who sacrifices better income opportunities elsewhere because the partner is better off in their current location –Tied mover – one who moves with the partner even though the employment outlook is better at their current location

X C D B A F E 10, ,000 Y Private Gains to Husband (  PV H ) Private Gains to Wife (  PV W )  PV H +  PV W = 0

Legal Immigration to the United States by Decade,

The Age-Earnings Profiles of Immigrant and Native Men in the Cross Section