Samantha Ambrose SOIL 4213
What is tile and how does it work? The old days Today’s technology Introduction
What is tile? Originally clay pipes Slotted, flexible plastic tubing 7.5 to 46 cm diameter Removes excess water from the root zone 24 to 48 hours after a heavy rain Image from:
How does it work? Lateral tile Header tile Tile outlet Open ditch Adapted from: Image from: cropsystems/dc7740.html
Topography Crops Soil texture Spacing 15 to 40 meters Depth Placed 0.9 to 1.2 meters Installation Variables
Clay pipe: 5,000 BC Hand tools used for installation 1906: 3 ft deep, $2.42 per 100 ft Installation-Then
Machine Trenching 1906: $1.24 per 100 feet Installation-Then History_of_Drainage.pdf
Contractors GIS/AGPS Soil maps Contour maps Aerial photographs Field history is essential Installation-Now
Calculates tile depth and slope during installation RTK GPS uses Vertical Curve Technology (VCT) Real time guidance with grid control that reduces flagging AGPS-Pipe Pro
FeaturePipeProPipe FM+PipeFMComp. Slope Control Comp. Leveling System Lay uphill/downhill from topography elevation YNNNN Design change while plowing YYYNN Works with any brand GPS YYYYN Corrects if obstruction hit (varied soil cond) YYYNN Steering guidance- grid and curved YYNNY Labeling/ file transferYNNNN
Tile drainage installation has come a long way in the past 100 years Potential for more improvement with new technology Summary
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