Welcome to Primary 1 Mrs Smith
Community Contract Based on school values and United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Created by the children. Displayed in classroom. Lets pupils, staff and visitors understand how children’s rights are respected within the school and classroom.
Positive Ethos Policy Expectations of behaviour outlined in Community Contract. Positive behaviour management: Praise and encourage positive behaviours Class Dojo –Individual top scorer –House Points Free Time Friday Restorative Justice Approach
Free Time Friday Children who have respected the Community Contract all week will be rewarded with Free Time Friday. Children who have chosen not to respect our Community Contract will lose some of their Free time Friday. Parents will be made aware of this with a letter home which we ask to be signed and returned to school on Monday morning.
Literacy -Phonics Colour coding - linking speech sounds to where and how they are made in the mouth Children are made aware of loud and quiet sounds Blending is the process of saying sounds in a word then running them together. E.g c-at or c-a-t is cat. Children are also encouraged to recognise the letter shape for each sound and to write them
Literacy- Reading Oxford Reading Tree Read trunk stories, consolidate with more stories Sets of key words to learn. Support at home is very important. Cut up the words and use to play snap, pairs, fast pile/slow pile. Activities and games support reading in class
Literacy - Reading Snapdragon books - fiction Fireflies – Non-fiction Picture stories Rhyme and Analogy Library Supporting reading at home
Literacy- Fine Motor Skills and Handwriting Activities to develop fine motor skills in classroom (play dough, peg boards, threading, etc.) Correct letter formation Practical activities, SMARTboard writing, sand, magic pen, writing in the air, plasticine Support at home is vital, sitting and holding pen appropriately and modelling good practice.
Personal writing Black pen drawings Writing from experience Emergent writing Teacher modelling Teacher scribes story, children begin to write familiar words Literacy - Writing Functional writing – lists, letters, instructions etc Imaginative writing VCOP - vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation Uplevelling
Numeracy and Maths Numbers 0 to 10 and then beyond Recognising patterns for each number- dots, fingers, tens frame Counting forwards and backwards Counting in steps of one, two, five and ten Formation of numbers Addition and subtraction within 10 and beyond Sharing and Grouping
Numeracy and Maths Sorting and matching Pattern 2D, 3D shapes Recognising and using coins Information handling Time -days of week, months of year, seasons, key dates, o’clock
Learning Across the Curriculum Examples of possible contexts for learning in P1 : Fairyland Toys Pirates Dinosaurs Minibeasts Under the Sea
Science Living and Non–Living things Forces Sun Moon and Stars Sound
Homework Homework will be issued on a Monday, to be returned on Friday Reading books and new words to be practised every night Phonic work Number or Maths work IDL related tasks Please bring reading books and reading diaries to school every day
Typical Day Visual timetable Quick start and register etc. (08.45 – 09.00) At least 5 lessons each day, including literacy and numeracy.
Teachers Specialist Teachers We will also have lessons throughout the year from: Mrs Mitchell (P.E.) Kevin (Enjoy-a-ball) Mrs Redmond Miss Kerr Miss Burton
Interdisciplinary Topic English and Literacy Mathematics and Numeracy Additional Information Homework Money Fortnight Fairyland Open Afternoon Learning Letter
If you have any concerns about your child’s learning or behaviour, please contact the school office to make an appointment to see me.
Thank you for coming