♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♫
/ ei / e a c k
shape fate lake cake
mate bake gaze page hate face
/ / / æ / a c t
mapmapmapmap lamp fatfatfatfat sadsadsadsad
sad mat lab pad rat bad man ban fan
say the rhyme 有一只小胖猫! Look ! There’s a fat rat! 有一只胖蝙蝠! Where ? There, on the mat. Look ! There’s a fat cat! 有一只胖老鼠! Look ! There’s a fat bat! 在哪里?那里!在地毯上。
/ æ/ / æ /
Aa Dale Graceage / ei / thank mapant/ æ /
EeB C G eveningmeme/ i: / F M N pen redlegleg/ e /
Good, better, best, never let it rest. Till good is better, and better best. / e/ / e /
Iihi finelike/ai / big sixdigdig/ i / OoOK nososo/әu/ orange notgotgot / ɔ / UuQ WQ Wmusic/ ju:/ ruler bluelute/ u: /
Red, red, a red bed. Blue, blue, a blue moon. Black, black, a black__________. Have a try. / e/ / u:/ / æ/ / e / / u: / / æ / backpack
a●ea●ea●ea●e cake face take e●ee●ee●ee●e these Chinese i●ei●ei●ei●e five like write lime o●eo●eo●eo●e coke nose rose pose u●eu●eu●eu●e cute lute huge /ei/ /i:/ /ai/ / ә u/ /ju:/ 辅音字母
a●a●a●a● at cap hat Sam e●e●e●e● red bed met i●i●i●i● big hit if city o●o●o●o● not hot job u●u●u●u● up sun fun 辅音字母 / æ/ / e/ / i / / ɔ / / Λ/ / æ / / e / / i / / ɔ / / Λ /
right fat God in nut spit shop sad sun rate light leg city hop dug hug if these hit lot Have a try.
an pan Tell me the vowels