We Are On A Mission! Welcome to Back To School Night 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

We Are On A Mission! Welcome to Back To School Night 2015

Dr. Sally K. Ride Mission Statement

We are a diverse learning community comprised of educators, students, and parents who have high expectations and strive together to achieve life- long learning for all students.

“Learning Together Learning Forever!” To focus on students oral and written comprehension in reading and math.

Positive Behavior Intervention Supports

Communication Homework Monthly newsletters Parent-teacher conferences Progress reports (interims) Report cards Thursday folders

Rubric ES Goes above and beyond -Exceeds the standard in exceptional and multiple ways P Knows it and shows it -Proficient, meets standard I Working on it -In progress towards meeting the standard NNeeds more help. -Not yet making progress or making minimal progress toward the standard

 8:50-9:05 Breakfast  9:00-9:10 Attendance, lunch count, morning announcements  9:00 -9:40 Reading Whole Group Lesson  10:40- 10:55 Small Groups Guided Reading  10:55-11:40 Specials (Art, Music, & P.E.)  11:40 -12:50 Lunch and Recess  12:50 - 1:40 Writing  1:40- 2:45 Math (Whole and Small Groups)  2:45-3:15 Science/Social Studies  3:25 Dismissal

Empowers students by nurturing skills that build confidence and success Connects content: blending subjects Integrates thinking, reasoning, and creativity for a lifetime of learning Academic success skills (Analysis & Collaboration)

Curriculum 2.0 Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, and Academic Success Skills Critical Thinking: Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation Creative Thinking: Fluency, Flexibility, Originality, Elaboration Academic Success: Collaboration, Effort/ Motivation/ Persistence, Intellectual Risk Taking, Metacognition

Collaboration Working effectively and respectfully to reach a group goal Analysis Breaking down a whole into parts and examining the parts so the structure of the whole is understood

Curriculum 2.0 Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, and Academic Success Skills I collaborate.  I respect the ideas of others.  I tell people what I think I heard them say.  I ask other people what they think.  I work with others to accomplish a goal or task.  I know how to lead a group and be a member of a group. Collaboration KMP1, 1MP1 2MP1, 3MP1, 4MP1, 5MP1 I analyze.  I notice what’s alike and what’s different.  I describe what parts make up a whole.  I see how things fit together.  I look for patterns.  I sort objects. Analysis KMP1, 1MP1 2MP2, 3MP1 What helps you think? How do you think?

Foundational Skills Reading: Literature Reading: Informational texts Vocabulary

Concepts of print Letter names and sounds Know and apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills – Recognizing short and long vowel words – Blending sounds to read words – Recognize misspelled words Read on-level text orally with accuracy, fluency, and expression

Identifying main idea and key details in a text Understanding central message Describe characters, setting, and major events in a story using key details Identify who is telling the story Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories

Identify main topic and key details Know and use various text features (e.g., headings, photos, table of contents, etc.) See the illustration and details in a text to describe key ideas Ask and answer questions to help determine the meaning of words

Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse topics about grade I topics Ask and answer questions to clear up meaning of words Ask questions to clear up confusing words Use sentence-level context clues Sort words into categories Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs

GRADE LEVEL End of 1 st Quarter End of 2 nd Quarter End of 3 rd Quarter End of 4 th Quarter Kindergarten NALevel 1 (A) Level 2-3 (B-C) Level 4 (C) 1 st Grade Level 5-7 (D-E) Level 8-11 (E-G) Level (H-I) Level nd Grade Level J Level K Level L Level M 3 rd Grade Level Level N Level O Level P 4 th Grade Level Q-R Level S - T 5 th Grade Level T -U Level V-W

Students reading above a Level 18 (Level J…) are considered reading on a second grade level. At this level, we focus on demonstrating comprehension through written responses to text.

Writing Writing

Writer’s Workshop routines Handwriting Narrative/personal experiences writing Informative, explanatory writing Opinion writing Process, Production and Research Use of Language Descriptive words Complex sentences Conventions and grammar Practice and expand complete sentences Capitalization and punctuation

The Developing Writer Uses letters heard in words Uses sight vocabulary or word wall Uses correct capitalization and punctuation Rules and Rubrics-set a goal for writing

Math Curriculum Math Curriculum Marking Period 1 Routines Counting up to 120 from any number Place value Comparing 2-digit numbers using symbols Ten more, ten less Part-whole concepts; addition and subtraction Categorical data: bar graphs and pictographs

Math Curriculum Math Curriculum Marking Period 2 Place value decomposing and composing 2-digit numbers Meaning of = Problem solving with 1- and 2-digit numbers Addition of 3 numbers with sums to 20

Math Curriculum Math Curriculum Marking Period 3 Length: comparison, non-standard units Relationships and properties of addition and subtraction Fact families Finding the unknown in an equation Addition of 1-digit to 2-digit numbers, 2-digit to 2- digit multiples of 10, modeled Subtraction of 2-digit multiples of ten, modeled

Math Curriculum Math Curriculum Marking Period 4 Addition of 1-digit to 2-digit numbers, and 2-digit to 2-digit multiples of 10, written Subtraction of 2-digit multiples of 10, written 2- and 3-dimensional shapes: attributes and fractions Time to the hour and half-hour

Social Studies Curriculum Importance of rules Rights and responsibilities Leadership and authority Contributions of people important to the political system United States symbols Marking Period 1 Civics

Social Studies Curriculum People share and borrow cultures Difference between past and present People and objects today and long ago Marking Period 2 History

Social Studies Curriculum People modify, protect and adapt to the environment Tools used to locate and describe places on earth Geographic characteristics Marking Period 3 Geography

Social Studies Curriculum Goods and services Production process Effects of technology Markets in the community Economic choices Marking Period 4 Economics

Science and Engineering Comparing plants and animals Basic needs of animals Observable features of animals Health Parts of living things Quarter 1

Science and Engineering Living things and non-living things Movement of objects Effects of magnets on objects Quarter 2

Science and Engineering Natural features of the earth Changes in the environment Natural and man-made objects Human actions that harm the environment Quarter 3

Science and Engineering Human actions that affect the environment Conservation and protection of natural resources Quarter 4

First Grade Homework Policy Purpose: Provide critical and creative thinking activities that correspond with our new curriculum Provide reinforcement of lessons/units taught, practice towards mastery of a skill, introduce a new unit or subject area. Provide opportunities for independent and guided work Strengthen concepts and skills Develop initiative, responsibility, self-direction and organizational skills

Homework Assignment Sheets At the beginning of each week, first graders receive a list of open-ended activities. Please have your child do at least 4 activities per week, from any of the subject areas. Parents can choose the activities that are appropriate for their child. The homework should be turned in by Friday of that week.

Homework will be checked to see if it is complete, correct, and neat minutes should be spent on homework a night. Reading 5-10 minutes a night is required. A monthly reading log will be attached to the homework.

Thank You For Coming To This Portion Of Back-To-School-Night! Please proceed to your child’s homeroom to hear more. The First Grade Team