Technology in WRSD SEPAC Presentation October 26, 2011 Carol Hume & Charlene Griffin
Why is technology used? 21 st Century Skills Students need to learn skills to prepare them for the future. What will the world be like twenty or so years from now when your child has left school and is out in the world? –Smaller, more connected world –Surge of information and media
Who uses technology with our students? General Ed Teachers Special Education Teachers Title 1 Teachers WRHS Life Skills Interpersonal Communication Class Paraprofessionals ABA BCBA Occupational Therapists Speech Therapists Administrators
What type of technology is used? Computers iPads MP3 Players (iPods) Smartboards Clickers- Student Response System
Where is it used? Classrooms Therapy sessions Developmental Programs Transition Programs LD Programs ABA Programs
How is it used? Support concept development Used as a reinforcer (first – then) Data Collection Independent Practice Develop language skills Develop fine motor skills Develop literacy skills Develop math skills ETC.
What are the benefits of using technology with students? Kinesthetic Supports concept development Multisensory Allows extra practice of skills Informal assessment tool Motivating Stimulating It’s FUN!
Special Education Grant Funding Last spring 40 iPads were bought Labs set up 5 iPads 8 elementary schools Trainings conducted Special Ed teachers share the resource in the schools
Summer Grant Funding 20 iPads purchased Fall trainings held for: Speech Therapists who work in schools which have Developmental Programs Occupational Therapist – all district BCBA Special Ed Administrators
iPad Apps * Phonics* Math * Spelling* Science * Literature* Social Studies * Reading Comp* Everyday Living * Writing Skills * Social Skills* Art & Music * Communication* Data Collection * Fine motor* Schedules
ELA Apps Cimo SpellingStory Builder ChictionaryTyp-O Word ZombiesToy Story Word WallGrammar SpellWellMilo Prepositions NounsMilo Sequencing VerbsStory Starter
Mathematics Time Money Number Sense Fractions Computation Measurement Patterns
Math Apps Telling TimeMy First Clock Coin MathMotion Math Jungle CoinsSuper 7 Pizza 3Tangram 3D Gopher FindingSplash Math 1 MeasurementMatch-Up Numbers 1,2,3Skip Counting ArithmarooPattern Recognition
Science & Social Studies Apps Google EarthThe Elements Life CycleiLearn Solar System Learn SharksScience 360 Under the SeaStack the Countries Weather HDThis Day in History GoSkyWatch
Communication Apps My First Words Tap To Talk All About Me Inferences First Then Pragmatics
Community Skills Apps Going Places Doctor, Restaurant, Hairdresser, Playground, Mall, Grocery Store Functional Skills System Safety Signs, Community Signs, Responding Social Skills, Initiating Social Skills, Manners, Everyday Social Skills, and Responding Social Skills.
Fine Motor Apps Zaner-Bloser Handwriting Iwrite wordsFruit Ninja Drawing PadCut the Rope 123 Color HDMonkey Lunchbox Hello CrayonsLettertrace Highlights Hidden PicsISpy-Riddle Race Occupational PuzzlesBuild a Zoo Jigsaw HDSuper Why!
Feedback Children love the iPad and are very knowledgeable on how to use it. We use them as a lab with small groups, in the classroom or in pairs. My students love to use My First Clock! I like the Pattern Recognition Program because it helps students generalize to completing patterns for math. My middle school students are benefiting from the independent practice. I use the iPad as a reward system for students which is a great motivation for them I like how I can adjust the font size for students with vision impairments. My students love the colorful characters! The reluctant middle school readers love to use the technology and read! Students can hear their articulation sounds and practice in a game format.
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