Technology as a Tool in Language Arts Heather O’Brien EDUC 509 Computers & Technology in Education Please click on picture for a video introduction
Technology in the Language Arts Classroom Lesson plans, lesson ideas, templates, worksheets, resources, games, projects, research tools and more. A resource for students, teachers, and parents
Marco Polo ReadWriteThink, one of the many website found at Marco Polo, provides a detailed lesson plan index for any Language Arts grade level teacher (K-12) to use in their classroom. Detailed lesson plan including an overview of the activity, objectives, preparation, procedure, extensions and assessment.
Mr. Donn's Language Arts Lesson plans, rubrics, graphic organizers, and power point presentations covering the wide spectrum of language arts components: reading, literature, poetry, etc Unique feature: easy access to a plethora of PowerPoint presentations regarding Reading, Writing, Grammar, Poetry, Myths/Legends/Tales, Shakespeare, etc…
Reading Online reading program Lesson plans, assessments, alphabet strategies, poetry, fluency, vocabulary, phonics, various books, and guided reading Provides lists of notable guided reading books and accompanying lessons Printable Guided Reading books
Kidspiration Part of the Inspiration Software Inc and was created for K-5 students K-5 learners use Kidspiration to: categorize and group ideas, express and organize thoughts, comprehend and communicate. Click to see the benefits of Kidspiration
Kidspiration Students build graphic organizers by combining pictures, text and spoken words to represent thoughts and information
Scanned images can be used to view student work. Click on the image below to view a scanned OCR document.
Kidspiration worksheet Mad Libs Worksheet A Day at the Zoo! Today I went to the zoo. I saw a ____________ (adjective) _____________ (noun) jumping up and down in its tree. He _____________ (verb: past tense) __________ (adverb) through the large tunnel that led to its __________ (adjective) __________ (noun). I got some peanuts and passed them through the cage to a gigantic gray __________ (noun) towering above my head. Feeding that animal made me hungry. I went to get a __________ (adjective) scoop of ice cream. It filled my stomach!
TeAchnology: The Online Teacher Resource Lesson plans, assorted rubrics and information on various subjects, but also printable worksheets on numerous topics Rubric Section of the TeAchnology website offers hundreds of rubrics, organizers and puzzle makers.Rubric Section
Classroom Websites for Parent Use Classroom websites provide: –Helpful links to utilize at home –Homework assignments –Spelling lists –Major projects –Daily class agenda –Contact information Click here to access my personal classroom website
Enhancing Student Achievement in Language Arts By Utilizing the Internet “More than 75% of students have access to computers at school.” ( rieve&db=PubMed&list_uids= &dopt=Citation) rieve&db=PubMed&list_uids= &dopt=Citation “Effective integration of technology is achieved when students are able to select technology tools to help them obtain information in a timely manner, analyze and synthesize the information, and present it professionally. The technology should become an integral part of how the classroom functions -- as accessible as all other classroom tools.” (
Technology As A Resourceful Tool Technology is a beneficial tool for teachers, students, and parents. It provides a variety of lesson plan ideas, templates, worksheets, useful teacher and student tips, innovative activities and games, research tools, home activities, and allows for efficient parent-teacher communication. Technology promotes student achievement and assists in effective teaching instruction in the classroom.
Questions/Comments? Thank you! Click here for an audio on technology in the Language Arts Classroom Click here for additional research on technology in the Language Arts classroom Click here for additional websites (IAB)