Welcome to 5th Grade!
Welcome Teacher Introduction and Background Expectations/Guidelines
Forms Donations Method of Transportation (must be filled out and returned today)
VIS Parent Guidelines Please pick up and drop off your child at the appropriate area – the front of the school. Wait in cars outside the building to lessen congestion in the front entry and to help with safety. Students are not allowed to be dropped off or picked up in the parking lot. As a safety precaution, do not bring young children to parties, field trips and volunteer activities.
VIS Parent Guidelines (Cont.) Transportation changes cannot be made over the phone or by . A note must be written by the parent and given to the teacher. The teacher will then send that notice to the office.
Attendance Students who are absent should bring a written explanation of their absence from the parent or guardian within 3 days after returning to school. A parent’s note stating the student was ill is acceptable for the sole purpose of make-up work. Only absences with a doctor’s excuse, court subpoena, or administration approval will be exempt from the 12 days allowed for promotion/retention decisions. Family trips and vacations will not be excused. Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct and Attendance booklet regarding regulations governing attendance.
School Day Schedule The school day will begin at 7:50 A.M. and conclude at 2:45 P.M. this year. Class begins promptly at 7:50 and it is important to be on time. If, on rare occasions, your child arrives after 7:50, the person transporting the student should sign the proper form in the office to assure that the student is marked present for the day. Students who arrive after 11:30 will be counted absent. If a student checks in or out for any reason they will not be eligible for the Perfect Attendance award at the end of the year.
Early Morning Supervision Early Bird Care will be provided from 6:45-7:15am for the cost of $2 per day. Any student arriving at school prior to 7:15am must be dropped off at the front door and go directly to the media center. When bus riders and car riders arrive at school, they are to go directly to the cafeteria if they need to eat breakfast or to the gym if they have already eaten at home. Staff members will supervise students until they are dismissed to their homeroom.
Breakfast and Lunch Program Breakfast costs $1.25 and Lunch costs $2.00. Please enroll on This is a service for parents to be able to fund their students lunch account and to track a student’s spending. It will send you an when your child’s account is low. Fast food is not allowed in the cafeteria. Extras are available for an additional charge. See Mrs. Hipp, Lunchroom Manager, for questions.
Daily Snack Students may bring a nutritious snack to be eaten in the classroom each day (times for snack will vary by teacher). –Please refrain from sending cookies, candy, chips, etc. Students may also bring a bottle of water (no sports drinks, sodas, etc.) to sip on throughout the day, if they would like.
EDP Reminder If you are planning for your child to attend the ASCP program beginning on Monday (8/20), he/she should have been registered no later than 8/13/12. If your child was not preregistered for the ASCP by 8/13/12, you will need to call and ask for Community Education. They will be able to help you with registration and/or be able to give you a start date for your child to begin ASCP.
School Closing Procedures In case of inclement weather or any other need to close school, please follow these guidelines: *Listen to local TV and radio stations for announcements of school closings. *Check the Shelby County website for current information at *Listserv will send out an notification. *Check the Valley Intermediate School website for current announcements concerning closings. *Please do not call the school office unless it is an emergency. These lines will be used for emergency contact information. *Make sure your child knows how they will get home if school closes early.
Cell Phone Policy Students may bring their cell phone to school. However, they are responsible for storing it appropriately and ensuring that the cell phone is not audible nor is being used in any way during the instructional day or on the school bus. Should a cell phone be heard or is used during the instructional day, the phone will be taken up and given to an administrator. A parent will be required to come pick up the cell phone. When the cell phone policy is violated, consequences may be applied as outlined in the Shelby County Student Code of Conduct and Attendance Booklet.
Additional Supplies Empty and rinsed 2 liter clear soda bottles (to be used for a future science project)
Field Trips Washington, D.C. (April 13-19, 2013) Washington, D.C. week trips for those staying at school that week Children’s Theater American Village Pelham City Hall (Youth Government Day) (Spring) R.M.S. (Spring)
Websites/Blogs/ Valley Intermediate
Thank you for coming! I am looking forward to working with you this school year!