Mrs. Gilson’s 6 th and 7 th Grade Science
Be prompt: Be ready to learn when class begins. Be prepared: Have materials with you and know due dates. Be a polite and a positive participant: Speak in a normal tone of voice, and listen attentively. Be productive: Turn in work on time, and always do your best Be a problem solver: Correct problems quickly and peacefully.
Value yourself. Be honest and ethical, and practice strong moral values. Honor the ideas and opinions of others. Treat all members of the school community and all visitors with politeness and respect. Be responsible with property and belongings. Offer to help. Remember we are a BULLY FREE SCHOOL!!!
Students may go to their lockers in between classes, at least 3 times per day so that they will not carry their books all day During Transition!
The middle school will be starting at 7:50 every day. This time will allow students to go to their lockers and transition to their first class. If the student hasn’t reported to their homeroom teacher by 8:00, they will be counted absent and need to go to the front office and receive a Late slip from Mrs. White before returning to class.
Pocket Folder with brads for ScienceScience Comp. Book (ISN)Science Text Book **Planner**Grading pen (Red Please!)Colored pencils5-8 sheet protectors Supplies must be brought to class everyday! NO EXCEPTIONS!
Tests and Projects – 40% of total grade Labs and Quizzes – 25% of total grade Classwork/Homework – 25% of total grade Participation – 10% of total grade
Typically what is not finished in class will become homework. Students will have homework 4-5 times a week. Please check your child’s ISN and planner daily for assignments and organization.
This year, the Science Fair is optional Students who will participate, are responsible for due dates. Students who do not participate in the Science Fair, will have to take a midterm exam.
The responsibility of obtaining make-up work lies with the student. Check the make up work board for assignments, and if an exam has been missed, please come see me to make arrangements. Make up work due to absence will be given and returned per St. Mark’s Policy Check the calendar on my webpage Check the make up board
As per St. Mark’s Late Work Policy, late work will be accepted under the following terms: Any assignment that is not complete by the due date (in hand and ready when requested) is considered late and a maximum of 70 % will be given Any assignment still not handed in (“NHI”) the following day, will result in a final grade of zero.
1. Verbal Warning2. Student/Teacher Conference 3. Student Behavior Notice sent home 4. Formal Incident Form sent home 5. Referral to Principal’s office
Two minute warning. Get organized and ready to go. Bell doesn’t dismiss you, I do.
Listen Behave Be Respectful
They will be returned at the end of the day Cell Phone stays with your homeroom teacher No Cell Phones in the Building
In the event of a fire drill, students are expected to: Immediately stand up and leave everything at your desk and line up at the door. Proceed single file, SILENTLY out the door to the designated class evacuation area. Last person must close the classroom door. Remain with class at all times. Take all drills SERIOUSLY, you never know if it is the real thing.
In order for to be successful it is imperative that we maintain an open line of communication. I will make myself available via for questions, comments or concerns and I will post assignments (subject to change) on my web page on a daily basis. PLEASE, please, please use my webpage as a learning tool!!! CHECK MY WEBPAGE OFTEN!!!!!
Thank you, Mrs. Gilson