DESS Curriculum Information Evening 2015 Foundation Stage 1
Our School Vision We nurture independent, confident and resilient learners who respond to challenge and aspire to reach their full potential. We aim to develop self-worth, mutual respect and enjoyment in the process of learning. These qualities are vital in preparing our learners for the diverse challenges of tomorrow.
Meet the team Foundation Stage Senior Leadership – Mr Clarkson Foundation Stage Team Leader – Miss Miller FS1 Red – Mrs Campbell and Mrs Tometzki FS1 Blue – Mrs Redford and Mrs McDonald FS1 Green – Mrs De Beer and Mrs Rix FS1 Yellow – Mrs Andrews and Mrs Salloum FS1 LSA’s – Mrs Sabire and Miss Grant
Specialist Teachers: Dance – Mrs Raymond Music – Miss McCarthy and Miss O’Boyle Swimming – Miss Lambson, Mrs Biagioni and Mr Cuddihy. P.E. – Mr Cuddihy
In the DESS Foundation Stage we are creating modern thinkers and creating an excitement to learn. We are developing skills and engaging all areas of the brain in a way that is often missing due to modern technology. A developing child needs movement so that the brain can gain control over it’s body. Movement is an integral part of all teaching and learning in our timetable. For example the children move as they count and learn number facts in their daily intensive maths session. This will help the child to fire up the brain, create links between different parts of the brain, improve memory and learn their body.
To be able to write your brain needs to have control over your fine muscles but also it needs to know where it’s arms are and then hands and the most important part the body for writing ? The fingers! It takes 5 years for a child to learn their body (0-5 years). The brain learns the fingers last! Messy play and tactile experiences will help the children to learn where their fingers are, therefore improving fine motor skills. For example the dough disco is used as a hand-writing activity.
Curriculum Follows the EYFS guidance Six engaging and exciting themes over the year. Superheroes Celebrations Little Explorers Dinosaurs Pirates Fairytales Play based learning and intensive whole class teaching. There is an emphasis on physical development and learning through play. Assessment is ongoing through observations.
Curriculum The Daily timetable Morning groups Phonics and squiggle Thinking and Planning DO time (play based learning) Review MMM (Making Maths Magic) Specialist Lessons – Dance, Music, P.E. and Swimming Dough disco Library
Home Learning “Making learning irresistible at home” At DESS the aim of home learning is to provide opportunities for independent and supported learning to be undertaken outside of curriculum time which reinforces, extends or enriches current learning. A variety of tasks to choose from to meet different interests, learning styles and needs. These can be found on the website. This half terms activities will go live on Thursday 17 th September. The children will be given feedback on the home learning that they bring into school and their work will be celebrated through our home learning classroom displays. Where a child has undertaken a practical activity they could bring a photograph to share with the class. The activities will be changed every half term as we change themes. The FS Team will inform you about how many of the tasks we would like your child to complete. See further guidance on the school website on the parents/home learning tab.
Expectations Named bags, school hat, uniform, PE kit, water bottle. No jewellery or nail varnish. Long hair should be tied up Healthy snacks Birthdays – non school uniform and birthday book. Punctuality and lates. Illness procedure. Rights and responsibilities – sunshine, rainbow, cloud, time out chair
Communication Weekly update on website DESS Communicator Home/school diary – daily communication, if you have an urgent message, please tell your child’s class teacher as the diaries may not be checked until later in the morning. Website – Coffee Mornings Parents’ evenings Reports – mid year and end of year Classroom noticeboards Weekly open sessions – Thursday pm