Technical Issues, Team Meeting, Oak Ridge, November 2004, J. Poole 1 JACoWJACoW Acrobat 6 Good news Acrobat 6 renders Type 3 fonts perfectly There are some useful new features
Technical Issues, Team Meeting, Oak Ridge, November 2004, J. Poole 2 JACoWJACoW Acrobat 6 Bad news Acrobat 6 is the default installation at CERN Acrobat 6 is required for MAC OS-X 6 cannot co-exist with 5 6 has the ‘feature’ that files are not guaranteed to print PDF1.5 generates error messages when you open it in Acrobat 4 or lower.
Technical Issues, Team Meeting, Oak Ridge, November 2004, J. Poole 3 JACoWJACoW Living with Acrobat 6 All PDF1.5 files which were generated in EPAC04 processing were re-processed We still had 55 of these even though the distiller was set to PDF1.2 compatibility On a PC, using Acrobat 5 Print to distiller, with JACoW.joboptions (batch job) Use PitStop to resize the paper (by hand) Upload files (by hand) Double check for problems (print, screen etc.) Sometimes it was necessary to go to PDF1.4 to get a reasonable file
Technical Issues, Team Meeting, Oak Ridge, November 2004, J. Poole 4 JACoWJACoW Space Audit
Technical Issues, Team Meeting, Oak Ridge, November 2004, J. Poole 5 JACoWJACoW Using the Optimiser The previous file from a talk was 14.4Mb and the optimiser compressed it to 3.3Mb and saved it as PDF1.4 The paper which was 10.5Mb was compressed to 250kb... and you can save to PDF1.3 or later.
Technical Issues, Team Meeting, Oak Ridge, November 2004, J. Poole 6 JACoWJACoW EPAC Experience I had to recover talks from the computers used in the sessions – people did not upload the versions which were used. The files were probably not handled in an optimum way on the EPAC file server. We asked for ProgID-talk as file names and they were flagged as talks in SPMS and saved on the file server in the same place as the papers. This filename is not ISO9660 compatible – too long Our solution for publication was to use the same name as the paper but stored them in a different directory
Technical Issues, Team Meeting, Oak Ridge, November 2004, J. Poole 7 JACoWJACoW Fonts Windows XP does not come with any Type1 fonts. It uses only TrueType fonts TimesNewRoman is TimesNewRomanPSMT under XP When you distill with ‘Embed All Fonts’ as is our default, the fonts are sub-setted. I think that this is a copyright issue PitStop editing capabilities are now limited because many fonts are not available e.g. no TimesNewRoman or Times. MAC papers cannot be edited with PitStop on a PC because you cannot select anything.
Technical Issues, Team Meeting, Oak Ridge, November 2004, J. Poole 8 JACoWJACoW Font Differences
Technical Issues, Team Meeting, Oak Ridge, November 2004, J. Poole 9 JACoWJACoW PDF Optimiser
Technical Issues, Team Meeting, Oak Ridge, November 2004, J. Poole 10 JACoWJACoW How to paint over unintentional objects with PitStop Example: Red line on the right should be removed Step 1: Select the tool named “Create new rectangle” from the PitStop tools (Button is hidden behind the “Move Selection” button) Step 2: Draw a rectangle over the red line New Recipe for Editors
Technical Issues, Team Meeting, Oak Ridge, November 2004, J. Poole 11 JACoWJACoW Recipe – cont. Step 3: Switch to “Select Objects” button and open the PitStop Inspector (CTRL-I) Step 4 : Click on the ‘Fill/Stroke” flag and activate the filling option. Step 5: Click on the “Color” flag. Click in the area named ‘filled’ and move the brightness slider to its maximum position on the right. You can see how the fill colour changes. Do the same with the ‘stroke’: Click into the stroke area and move the slider to its maximum position on the right again. Thanks, Michaela !
Technical Issues, Team Meeting, Oak Ridge, November 2004, J. Poole 12 JACoWJACoW IEEE Compliance The deal for PAC: Can publish on JACoW if PAC supplies IEEE Compliant files for display on their Xplore system. IEEE have plans to re-scan all of their old stuff to provide JACoW quality XploreJACoW Compression600dpi, 300dpi, 300dpi b/w,gray/colour 300dpi, 200dpi, 200dpi b/w,gray/colour ColourUnchangedConvert to CalRGB FontsEmbed and sub-setEmbed SavingDo not save from Acro6Do not save as PDF1.5
Technical Issues, Team Meeting, Oak Ridge, November 2004, J. Poole 13 JACoWJACoW IEEE - My Point of View Compression – our setting make more sense from a performance point of view. Higher density will improve quality on the screen but there are not many printers than can handle their densities. Colour – cant see that this has any major impact Font embedding – our policy made sense before Windows XP, but now I am not sure. Acrobat 6 – see previous slides !
Technical Issues, Team Meeting, Oak Ridge, November 2004, J. Poole 14 JACoWJACoW Templates There are some bugs to fix Spacing around the author list is different WORD2000: 9pt before, 12pt after Word XP:12pt before, 9pt after The text could be updated
Technical Issues, Team Meeting, Oak Ridge, November 2004, J. Poole 15 JACoWJACoW Template Maintenance What versions should we keep for 2005 ? Cathy has volunteered to maintain the PC Word templates Christine updates MAC versions I update the LaTeX A4 Paper Size LaTeXWORD Templates (.dot)WORD Files (.doc) DocumentWORD 2000 for PC Class fileWORD 98 for MAC Figure 1WORD 2001 for MAC Figure 2 WORD 2002 (XP) for PC US Letter Size LaTeXWORD Templates (.dot)WORD Files (.doc) DocumentWORD 2000 for PC Class fileWORD 98 for MAC Figure 1WORD 2001 for MAC Figure 2 WORD 2002 (XP) for PC